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Yamila Chiappe (’17)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pace chapter.

Name: Yamila Chiappe

Age: 23

Major: Production and Design for Theatre, Film, and Television with a focus in Scenic Design

Year: Junior

Hometown: Buenos Aires, Argentina

What would you like to do with your major?: “I want to gain enough experience so that I can go back to my country and make a difference.”

Who do you look up to?: “My mom.”

What is your biggest adjustment, being from Argentina and moving to New York?: “I am not used to the food here.”

Celebrity crushes?: “Kit Harrington (When he plays Jon Snow), William Moseley, Nick Jonas (Curly haired version).”

Fun Fact?: “I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue and I hate calling “cereal” cereal. I call it Poconos.”

What is your favorite food in the USA?: “In the US, I love Hibachi, and chicken nuggets with pasta.”

 Favorite activity in NYC?: “Picnic in Central Park.  (Hint hint future boyfriend)”

Favorite stores to go to in NYC?: “Blick, Michaels, Container Store, Target and Staples.”

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?: “EVERYWHERE!!!”

Favorite TV Show?: “Friends!”

Siblings?: “I have a younger sister.”

Favorite musicians? “Robbie Williams (British musician), Adele, Queen, Umphry’s McGee, Calle 13, Shakira, Gloria Estefan, Piazzola, etc.”

Hello! I am a Senior Communications Major with a minor in Arts and Entertainment Management. Some fun facts about me are that I have a twin sister, my favorite place to vacation is Puerto Rico, and I am obsessed with Justin Timberlake!
Hello! My name is Josephine "Josie" Morenski, and I am from Detroit, Michigan. Currently, I am a Communication Studies major at Pace University in New York City, with a minor in Psychology. I am also a Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Pace, Promotions Intern for Cumulus Media, and a Student Assistant at Pace University. Writing and blogging have always been a passion of mine, and I am excited to share my content with the Her Campus community.