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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pace chapter.

Being a commuter student while in college can feel difficult when trying to juggle classes, commuting, homework, and doing things you enjoy. For the past year, I have been a commuter student. Recently, I moved out of my apartment and further away from campus. For my final semester, I have taken on a two-hour commute to school, now spending four hours of my day on the train. It has taken some getting used to, but I have been trying to make the most of that time. These are some things I do to take advantage of my commute.

Listen to Music

I never leave for the day without my headphones. In the afternoon, public transportation can be loud. Having the option of putting on headphones to drown out the noise can make the commute easier. I would rather listen to my personalized playlists instead of businessmen discussing what they were doing in the office or what the plan is for their meeting. 


Something I see many people doing on the train is reading. It is a great way to forget where you are and enter a more interesting world. Along with novels, I have also used this time to do my textbook reading for class. Since this time is already sectioned out of my day, I feel it gives me an opportunity to get those assigned readings over with.

Finish Homework

Along with the textbook readings, I use my time on my commute home to do homework assignments. Instead of leaving it until I get home, or until Sunday at 11:59pm, I like being able to use the time on the train to complete assignments for the class(es) I had that day. The information is fresh in my mind, I can refer to the notes I took in class, and I do not have to worry about turning in the assignments at the end of the week. Doing this has also helped me fight the urge to procrastinate my homework until the last second.


Doing something that calms me is a great way that I pass the time on my commute. Reading and listening to music can fall into this as well. Personally, I enjoy bringing a sketchbook with me so I can draw. The pictures are never perfect, but I feel at peace when I am creating something. Drawing can lighten my mood on a long ride.


I know it can be uncomfortable to sleep in a public place/on transportation, but it helps on those early mornings after jumping out of bed at 5:30am to quickly get ready and catch the train. In my experience, the train is mostly quiet in the morning. Putting in some headphones and closing my eyes to hopefully sleep can be a more relaxing start to my day.

Watch Netflix/TV

Many of us take time out of our day to watch TV. I found it difficult to find time during the day to watch my shows. Between the long commute, getting home, making dinner, finishing assignments, and getting ready for the next day, I didn’t have the time I wanted to sit and watch TV. Being on the train does allow me to sit back and watch Netflix on my phone. It is not the same as curling up in bed to watch, but it does give me time to relax and do something I enjoy.

Having a long commute to get to school is something you have to get used to. Having early or late classes can lengthen your day, making it difficult to take time to do what you want, like watching TV or reading. As a commuter student, I try taking advantage of those long blocks of time during the commute. It can be useful in finishing homework, so I  can relax once you get home. Even though it can be difficult, I try not to make it harder on myself. It is easier said than done but finding a useful or relaxing way to pass the time helps me.  

I am a Junior at Pace University studying Fine Arts and Business Management. I am the Vice President of Her Campus Pace University NYC. My email is jordanfisicarohc@gmail.com