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Tips on How to Stay Safe During the Holiday Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pace chapter.

As the fall semester comes to an end and the holiday season approaches, it is important to know how to stay and remain safe this December. 

With the COVID-19 pandemic still affecting many factors such as socializing, meetings, classes, and extracurricular activities, proper precautions to prevent the spread of the virus are more important than ever. 

So far there are 1,551 confirmed cases of coronavirus which continue to rise on a daily basis. Sophia, 21,  said “As young people we have to do our part this holiday season and that’s by following guidelines. We also have to encourage others around us too.”

Coronavirus can spread easily and quickly, particularly in gatherings of large indoor groups, so as Christmas approaches and holiday plans are confirmed, here are a few ways you can stay healthy this holiday season:

Take extra precautions while traveling by:

  1. Always wearing a mask
  2. Keeping your distance
  3. Minimizing contact with others during stop

Readjust your holiday gatherings by:

  1. Planning for smaller gatherings with friends and family who live near you. Make sure they have been following safe practices!
  2. Consider cooking and delivering a meal to a neighbor or friend who may be alone.     

Shop Safer by:

  1. Planning to avoid crowds
  2. Shop online if necessary
  3. Think about gifts in a different way – can you give experiences or other consumables that don’t require a store purchase?

The holiday season is a great time to come together with friends and family. By remaining mindful and implementing safety precautions, you can have a great, safe holiday.

Happy Holidays!

Click the links below for detailed guidance about:

Safe holiday travel

Social activities 

Holiday celebrations 

Hi, my name is Melissa and I am studying Communications at Pace. I enjoy designing, writing, and travelling the world :-)