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My Experience Getting the COVID-19 Vaccination

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pace chapter.

On March 11th, almost a year since quarantine started, I received my first dose of the COVID-19 vaccination. When I had discovered that I was eligible due to the fact that I work as a tour guide on campus, I dropped everything that I was doing (I may or may not have been in the middle of English class) and frantically booked an appointment. Before I knew it, I had a 3 PM appointment made for the following day at Walgreens. 

It is no secret that America’s youth does not have enough access to the vaccine. When I discovered that I could receive it this early, I was honestly shocked. As I gathered all my paperwork and insurance information, basically anything that I could find to prove that I was eligible, I began to worry—but not because of the vaccine itself. I was convinced that the doctors would turn me away because of my age or my health, and part of me felt selfish. I’m lucky enough to be in great health and I know that there are people who need this vaccine more than I do but do not have access to it. Yet, I realized that in a way I was doing a good thing. Receiving this vaccine was one step closer to society healing as a whole and I was ready and willing to be a part of that healing process.

The only people who knew I was getting vaccinated were my parents and my roommate. I didn’t want to spread the word right away due to the small chance that I was not permitted to get it once I arrived at the pharmacy. To my surprise, the process was extremely simple. The pharmacies were happy to take my paperwork and check me in. Then, I was seated and the anticipation started to take over. Once my name was called I greeted the doctor who was administering the vaccine. As she was prepping all of the technical stuff that I honestly know nothing about, I started to think about life returning back to normal. Long-awaited concerts, vacations, even sitting in a classroom were just a few of the thoughts that bounced around in my head as I prepared to get the shot. And before I knew it, the doctor was patching a bright red band-aid on my upper left arm. Never in my entire life had I been so excited about getting a shot! They then monitored me for fifteen minutes just to make sure I was feeling fine. I sat in the lobby, proudly (and probably obnoxiously) taking pictures of my arm and sending them to my family and friends. Then, I was told I could be on my way. As for the pain, I felt totally fine! While the side effects do vary for everyone, I felt totally normal after receiving the vaccine. 

My second dose is scheduled for April 8th. I cannot wait to be fully vaccinated and start to see society follow in science’s footsteps. For anyone even slightly concerned about the vaccine; I urge you to consider how big of a part you truly play in all of this. By receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, not only are you protecting yourself, but you’re protecting everyone around you. Hopefully, the future will start to look a little bit brighter as people, both old and young, receive the vaccine within the following months!

Originally from Cape Cod Massachusetts, Arianna is a junior at Pace University majoring in Communication Studies with a minor in Digital Storytelling and Journalism. Besides writing, she loves reading, hanging out with friends, and traveling!