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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pace chapter.

To educate, bring value to, and unchain the voices of women is a short answer to this. Although it may seem simple, female empowerment is one of the hardest lifestyles to maintain in our society today. Whether it be in the form of discrimination from men: being told what you can and can’t do, the underestimation of a female’s power in the work industry, or over-sexualization, female empowerment is degraded constantly.

Mohadesa Najumi said it best, “The woman who does not require validation from anyone is the most feared individual on the planet.”

One of the worst things a woman can do is underestimate herself because of the words of someone else. The abundance of accomplishments by other women is enough to empower us all, but the validation of others today makes it almost impossible to see how powerful we are as women. Stay unapologetically you. Always strive to be the best you can be. Whether that be in school, work, or in hobbies you enjoy, never let anyone discriminate against you! Stop seeking validation, and learn to appreciate yourself, and appreciate other women around you.

At times, women have to work harder to get what they want, but as long as you stay motivated, you can get through anything. Think outside of the box. We are the future for little girls everywhere to look up to, but we have to look up to ourselves first.

Elizabeth Cook’s hit song puts it in simple words, “Sometimes it Takes Balls to be a Woman.”


The females of Pace University answered some very important questions on the issue at hand concerning female empowerment.

  • What is a challenge you’ve faced being a female in a male dominant society?

Every woman that I have met has faced at least one issue because of being female in a male dominant society. My friend Nichole (majoring in Political Science) has faced many challenges such as “not being taken seriously, and being sexualized,” as well as another close friend Kailey (majoring in Psychology), “Ever since I was a young girl, in elementary school, I can remember being taught to value a man’s validation. No matter the situation. Though I’ve come a long way, this is something I still struggle with, it’s heavily ingrained in me. Unlearning is a long difficult process.”

Women have been taken for granted and have been seen as sexual objects and less than in our society. Our society today is still progressing, but the point is that women are not sexual objects and women should be able to defend themselves against the ‘validation’ of men because of gender.

  • What is one attribute you love about yourself and why?

I want women to recognize what they love about themselves to show everyone that you should appreciate who you are because you don’t need validation. Charlotte (majoring in Fine Arts) says she loves “[her] perspective of society and nature because [she] find them inquisitive to the modern progressive views.” Tatyana also gives input and says, “I love my ability to persevere through anything. This attribute gives me much pride because it can be difficult to navigate the world as a woman of color, but this quality allows me to push through and move forward.”

That being said I believe all women have something they love about themselves that can help you find your individualized perspective on life.

  • How do you think a female in power is perceived nowadays?

The perception of females in power has a variety of opinions. Based on the words of one of my close friends, Victoria (majoring in Biochemistry), says that “women in power are seen in a negative light because of their willingness to put their career first, even though it is the standard for men,” while another one of my friends, Isa (majoring in Biology), says “I personally love seeing women in power, as that becomes more common, greater care is taken that the next generation has that many women in power if not more.” There are many differing views on women in power that are both true, but this still imposes problems in our society. Why should there be more than only one opinion on this topic? Men are often seen as the leader and a boss, while women in a leadership position have differing opinions in our society today.

  • How do you think females in power should be perceived as?

“I think women should be perceived as great leaders and valuable human beings. Different identities allow people to see things from different angles, and so it’s important to respect the viewpoints and capabilities of women and other groups.” – Tatyana (Majoring in Environmental Science)

“Women should be perceived in the highest light possible. We are strong, we are smart, we work, we do all. Women should be seen as brave and strong. Women are brilliant and should be seen as such, we are no less than a white man… Women are strong for so many reasons, it is almost humorous that we are seen as weak.” – Emily (Majoring in Political Science Pre-Law)


What is one thing you would tell the females of the graduating class of 2019?

  • You’re all queens and you’ve gone through so much to get to this point. I’m proud of every one of you. I wish you all the best in everything you do, and I’m rooting for your success! – Victoria
  • Go get it! I want them all to know their potential and power, and to never let unfair circumstances in life make them believe otherwise. I’m rooting for you sis! – Tatyana
  • Women are the future. (… and the present.) – Kailey
  • Show no mercy and give it your all because you know you can do great. There’s always going to be people out there putting you down, but you all have the willpower to endure any challenge that you face. Always stay unapologetically you! – Amber
  • You are brilliant, worthy, and capable. Don’t let any person make you feel as if she should doubt that. If you feel disrespected or unappreciated in the spaces you occupy, leave them. There are places out there that will value you, go to them, instead. – Emily
  • Own it, B – Charlotte
  • Speak boldly, think logically, feel emotions honestly, and never let them see you sweat. – Isa
I am a student at Pace University majoring in marketing and minoring in fashion marketing. I love to create connections with people and create a unified vision to give everyone a voice of empowerment. I would like to consider myself an outgoing and personable person who cares about the world's problems and has innovative ideas. I love adventures and finding hidden talents within people and around the globe. I am most passionate about the visuals of the world because everything is based on our own perception, so being able to give people a perception of good intention is the only thing I could truly ask for.