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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pace chapter.

I know going back to school, especially after having an amazing summer, is difficult. But, this is my personal guide on what helps me, as one of the most anxious people on this earth, prepare for the back-to-school season. 

Whether you are a freshman in college or a senior, it can be pretty hard being away from home after spending every day with your friends and family. It hasn’t even been a week yet, and I already miss the home-cooked meals. So here are my tips and tricks that help get me back in the groove and cure my homesickness.


I make the dorm as comfortable and cozy as possible. I would bring a stuffed animal, pictures of my family and friends, or some other decorations I had in my bedroom back home.


I bring lots of snacks and other food. Coming from a broke college student, I want to save as much money as possible. And of course, I can’t go to class on an empty stomach. Nothing is more embarrassing than sitting in a lecture and my stomach growling the moment it gets silent. So, I always make sure to eat before class, even if it’s just a granola bar. 

get organized

I like to get organized. Usually, this includes buying a planner or downloading an app. There are many great apps to help me stay organized so I don’t fall behind. Falling behind on coursework is something I don’t want to happen.

Read The syllabus

Everything I need to know about class is on that piece of paper.

plan my schedule

Thinking about what classes I need to take can be pretty stressful. But there are people at school to help with that. I usually always try to speak to my academic advisor!

I don’t Procrastinate

Do I need to say more? I just get it done so it’s out of the way. Then, I always feel so much better.

Take a break

I try not to forget that I’m young and college, it’s meant to be fun. These four years feel like they fly by. So, getting some fresh air is essential for me. School is important, but nothing is more important than my self-care and my mental health.

I get to know my environment

I try to get to know the area, if I haven’t done so already, and become familiar with where my classes are. No one wants to get lost on the first day of class.

watching TV in Bed

Most dorms don’t have TVs, and sometimes all I want to do is curl up in my bed and watch some TV. But bringing a TV to school can be a hassle. So, I purchased a mini projector from Amazon.

meeting new people

It can be pretty scary when it comes to making new friends, but I try to remember I’m not the only one struggling. Hundreds of college students are experiencing the same things.

Joanna is from a small town in Germany. She is a member at the Her Campus New York City chapter. Beyond Her Campus, Joanna is apart of Pace Board and the Photography club. Has had some of her work featured in the Pace gallery and currently a Junior at Pace University majoring in Communications and Media Studies with a minor in Photography. In the future she wants to be a Photojournalist and work with some of her favorite artists. In her spare time Joanna loves to read, attend concerts and take lots of pictures. She spends a lot of time either thrifting or in the Darkroom where she develops her own film. Her current obsessions are peanut butter cups from Trader Joe's, 2bros pizza (iykyk) and watching New Girl.