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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pace Pleasantville chapter.

October. Yes, it is know as the infamous spooky month but, it is also the month where we come together to help everyone that is battling breast cancer.

The time where we hold events and try to raise money for breast cancer research. I especially love it when schools host events and donate the funds to hospitals, dedicated towards curing breast cancer. That is what Pace has done on October 12. PACE GOES PINK!!! Two schools come together in a friendly football game money to raise awareness. No one repping their school..  just rocking pink for our victims/survivors.

Now, of course, I can sit here and just tell you about how much good comes out of all of this. I can even just tell you what a great event it is and how much fun it is. But that is not what this event is about. This means so much more to us as a school. Though I cannot speak on everyone’s personal reasons, I can speak on what I know. Pace goes Pink means unity, perseverance, and courage. Being able to come together, show our support, and be able to donate money that will possibly save a life… that… that right there means the world to us.

Being able to see how much we can help hospitals get the resources they need to keep saving lives and making new discoveries to advance the treatment of breast cancer is something huge. We become apart of something so much bigger, which is a better reward than any. Pace Goes Pink is the heart of Pace. It really shows how we all as a community can put our differences aside and bring new light into what is and what always will be one of the world’s greatest diseases. As a community, we are able to touch the hearts of many and bring forward a great relationship all around. 

Pearl Luciano

Pace Pleasantville '22

Hi I’m Pearl Luciano. I am a political science major. I like sports and reading.