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Tyler Rosen ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oxy chapter.

Name: Tyler Rosen

Class Year:2015

Hometown: Northridge, California (in the San Fernando Valley!)

Dorm: Stewie

Major: Currently undeclared, but I plan on majoring in Politics with a minor in Film & Media Studies.

Single/ In a Relationship/ It’s Complicated: Single!

Campus Activities/ Interests: As far as campus activities go, I am a member of both Vote for Equality and Queer-Straight Alliance. I also work for Oxy Telefund, which happens to be the best job on campus! As for interests, I’m really into politics. I run a political blog and I’m also kind of addicted to the news. So if you ever want to discuss a current political issue, I’d love to casually debate you. Not all of my interests are so serious though! I absolutely love music (and going to concerts) and I love classic movies. So after we casually debate, we can listen to some cool ambient stuff on NPR while on the way to see Casablanca at the Egyptian!

How do you feel about being nominated for Campus Cutie?: I’m shocked and flattered! I really didn’t expect to be nominated for something like this.

What mystifies you about the opposite sex?: Although most of my close friends are girls, there is still one thing I don’t get. Why does it take them so long to go to the bathroom?

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?: Teleportation. Definitely. I’d be in Paris right now if I could teleport.

What is your ideal date?: I’d love a nice little date in a coffee shop, something low-key so that we could talk and get to know each other. And if that goes well, maybe we could see a movie or get a bite to eat after. Nothing too complicated.

What is your biggest guilty pleasure?:Weird TV shows like “Unsolved Mysteries”, “Obsessed”, and “I’m Pregnant And…”. They’re so weird but I usually can’t tear myself away from the TV.

Who is your celebrity man/ woman crush?: My name is Tyler, and I’m a Gyllenhaalic. So yeah, Jake Gyllenhaal is my dream man. But as far as the ladies go, I think Naya Rivera (or Santana from Glee) is practically an Amazonian goddess.

What do you think your spirit animal would be?: Probably a wallaby. Like Rocko from “Rocko’s Modern Life.”

What song could describe your life right now?:Probably “Get Myself Together” by Robyn.

What do you consider to be a priority on your bucket list?:I really, really, REALLY want to live in Japan at some point in my life. So that’s definitely on my bucket list.

Any hidden talents?:I can bend the fingers on my left hand really, really far back. I don’t know if that’s a talent though.

Madi Tsuji is a former Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Occidental. She is originally from Seattle, WA and now lives in New York City, where she works in PR.