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Recruitment 101: Presidents’ Tips

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oxy chapter.


Informal Recruitment is fast approaching, and if you’re a sophomore or above and you’re gearing up to go through Rush, here are some insider tips from the Presidents of Oxy’s sororities on what can help you to stand out and find the right fit for you! Remember – picking a Greek organization is as much YOUR choice as it is the sorority’s, so be yourself and go in with an open mind!
Mackenzie Tucker: President, Alpha Lambda Phi Alpha:
“At Alpha we really look for girls that are engaged and excited about rushing. We really strive to get to know each and every girl and it helps when girls are excited about getting to know us! Eye contact is a must. It shows us you are listening to what we are saying and not thinking about what you want for breakfast the next morning. Also no phones!! During my past years as Recruitment Chair, I saw so many girls texting and looking at their phones, which tells us you would rather be somewhere else. I know rush can be overwhelming, but try to come with a good attitude, an open mind, and your best foot forward and you will end up exactly where you’re meant to be!”
Jessica Madarang: President, Kappa Alpha Theta:
“There are a couple of key things about a girl that make her stand out during recruitment. One is the way she interacts with others, which includes making eye contact, asking appropriate questions, and showing a genuine interest in the conversation. There’s a distinct difference between being shy and being disinterested. We also receive a lot of questions regarding attire. We suggest wearing attire that reflects how the girl wants to present herself during recruitment: attire that’s more special than what she would wear to class, but not something she would wear going out on a weekend.  This is not only reflective of personal excellence, but an indicator of the girl’s interest in the organization. However, we strongly believe that the most important thing a girl should do is to just be herself. Recruitment is a time when you will be meeting girls who will potentially be your sisters, so we like to stress the importance of finding the organization that will match your true self.”
Hannah Baillie: President, Delta Omicron Tau
“For Delta, a PNM should just be herself. There’s nothing in particular that she should say, do or wear because our group is so diverse that all types of girls can connect with us. That’s what makes Delta so special – there’s no one specific type. We truly value authenticity. My best advice to a PNM that really wants to join Delta is to explicitly express interest to our members because if you want us than we want you!!”