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Essentials for Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oxy chapter.

Finals week is next week and the library is getting busier and busier. Stacks of books lay on desks that are handy for writing research papers or for studying for tests. With the hectic atmosphere building up slowly, it gets hard to think of anything else and so you fellow collegiettes may find it hard to remember things to bring along with you to the library or the remaining days of class. Here’s a list of things to keep you in check for the next two weeks.

  1. Laptop and laptop charger – Right when you get to the library, there’s nothing worse than remembering that you forgot your laptop or your charger or BOTH in your room. I used to forget my charger often, so now I always have it in my backpack just for the heck of it.
  2. Bring all your notebooks and textbooks that you need to study from for the day – Stress makes you forget, and it especially makes you forget about your useful notes that you left behind. Bring them all!
    P.S. A big roomy and cute bag is always nice to put your books in!
  3. Flashdrive – Have extra copies of your electronic work handy. Anything can happen to your computer – such as spilling a drink on it. It’s best to be prepared for the worst.
  4. Pens, Pencils, Highlighters – Keep yourself entertained with colorful supplies! They’ll definitely make studying fun if you can read text in different colors.
  5. Snacks and Drinks – During finals week last semester, the library set out bowls of candy that could be found all over the place. Though it was awesome to find a nice treat to eat, it wasn’t good to fill my stomach with all candy and nothing else. Bring along some fruit, veggies, almonds, and chocolate to keep your hunger in check. There’s nothing wrong with eating junk food, but keep it in moderation because you want to remain healthy for finals week.
    P.S. Don’t forget some coffee, water or tea.
  6. Comfy clothes – A couple of months ago I discussed the topic of what to wear during finals week. To remind you, look towards your sweaters, yoga pants, sweats, and cardigans…basically anything that will keep you comfortable and focused on your studies. However, on the day of your final, I would recommend wearing some jeans instead of your pajamas to avoid falling asleep during your test (:
  7. Anything besides your textbooks – You deserve a break after hours of studying so bring along your favorite reading book, download a game on your phone, or check out a funny YouTube video.

Try to remember that home is only a couple of tests away and you’ll be free after you walk out of that exam room smiling and confident that you did well. So study hard ladies! Good luck and keep on working as hard as you all have been throughout the whole year!

Madi Tsuji is a former Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Occidental. She is originally from Seattle, WA and now lives in New York City, where she works in PR.