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Dominique Ross ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oxy chapter.

Dominique Ross ‘14
This week’s cutie fills her time between kicking butt on the rugby pitch and turning random thrift finds into fashion statements! This semester’s first female Campus Cutie is Dominique Ross!
Name: Dominique Ross
Class Year: 2014
Hometown: San Jose, CA
Dorm: Bell-Young
Major: Psychology (w/ a Minor in Spanish)
Relationship Status: Single!
Campus Activites/Interests: I play for Occidental Women’s Rugby and work in the Chemistry Lab. I love nature, I love to be outside and I like trying new things, whether it is different foods from various different cultures or whatever! I’m really adventurous! Also, I am super into fashion! I think I’d like to be a personal designer! 
Favorite Memory of Oxy: All the people I’ve met! It’s really interesting meeting all the diverse people here.
With Valentine’s Day coming up…Ideal date?: Somewhere with an amazing view, quiet, just to be able to talk to the person about anything and everything. And delicious food must be involved, obviously!
What do you look for in a girl?: Humor, someone who can make me laugh. Someone who is really open-minded and enjoys beautiful things in life.
Guilty pleasure? Thrift-shopping, making jewelry, and re-designing clothes to make them better!
Dream Travel Destination: I’d like to climb to the top of the tallest pyramid in Cozumel, Mexico.
Life Motto: Try anything at least once! Don’t let people restrict you with anything. Have an open and understanding mind about everything.
Image credit: Facebook

Madi Tsuji is a former Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Occidental. She is originally from Seattle, WA and now lives in New York City, where she works in PR.