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David Abarca ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oxy chapter.

Meet this week’s Campus Cutie, David Abarca! David is a Biochemistry major, and majorly funny. Read on to learn more about this amazing Cutie!
Name: David Abarca
Year: 2014
Major: Biochemistry; minor in Classical Studies
Hometown: Palo Alto, CA
Campus Activities: I work as an assistant at the circulation desk in the main library; I’m also an assistant at the music library in Booth (best job ever!).
Single/Taken/It’s Complicated: Single!
Favorite class you’ve taken at Oxy? I loved “Death in Antiquity” with Professor Upson-Saia! That class prompted me to take Latin and Greek and eventually led me to my minor.
Celebrity girl and guy crushes? Zooey Deschanel is the perfect woman – musically inclined and cute! Ryan Gosling is also a stud… and totally in touch with his feminine side (boom badoom boom boom)!
What mystifies you most about the opposite sex? Why do they feel the need to say they look terrible out loud when in their heads they know they look good?
Favorite snack at Oxy? The new fries at the Cooler are bomb dot com.
Something people would be surprised to know about you? I have never seen snow in person before! Also, the only other state I have been to is Louisiana when I visited New Orleans for a high school immersion trip.
What is your ideal date? I love simplicity so we would start off by getting boba and just walk around the city so we could talk to one another. Then we would probably get something to eat afterwards and blast music on the car ride home.
What’s you’re weirdest personality trait? I tend to think about funny scenes from TV shows or movies when I’m extremely bored (i.e. in class); this usually results in me giggling out loud and calling the attention of everyone in the classroom. Awkward.
 What do you look for in a potential partner? Having a sense of humor is a necessity! Similar tastes in music and enjoying to read are pluses. Sass also keeps things fun! And if you love “500 Days of Summer” as much as I do, then I’m pretty much yours!
What’s your biggest guilty pleasure? I enjoy watching high school teen comedies like “Mean Girls” and “Easy A” beyond what must be considered healthy. I’m also currently into singing “Someone Like You” by Adele at the top of my lungs whenever it comes on the radio…which is about every 5 minutes.

Image credit: Facebook

Hi! I'm a super busy sophomore at Occidental College. I'm a Spanish, Group Language (Chinese and Linguistics) double major.
Madi Tsuji is a former Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Occidental. She is originally from Seattle, WA and now lives in New York City, where she works in PR.