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Chris Sudzak ’12

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oxy chapter.

Name: Chris Sudzak

Class Year: 2012

Hometown: Baltimore, MD

Major: Economics

Single/Taken/It’s Complicated: Single

Campus Activities/Interests: Manager at the Green Bean, Vice President of the Bluth Fund, Pledge Educator for ΣAE.

Is usually found: Working at the Green Bean.

Guilty pleasure: Pool-side mimosa pong on Friday afternoons.

Celebrity crush: Anna Kournikova

How do you feel about being nominated for campus cutie? My ΣAE brothers must have too much time on their hands.

What is something that people would be surprised to find out about you? I was born in Denmark.

What do you think your spirit animal would be? Turtle.

What mystifies you about the opposite sex? Not much these days. Living with four girls this year has cleared up a lot of things.

What event in your life has inspired you the most? My three recent summers spent in Ghana.

What do you consider as a priority on your bucket list? Going to Brazil for the 2014 World Cup.

Madi Tsuji is a former Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Occidental. She is originally from Seattle, WA and now lives in New York City, where she works in PR.