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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oxy chapter.

Although glasses are a great accessory and a necessity, they can’t help but hide our eye makeup sometimes, making us look more tired behind those lenses. Here are a couple of tips on how to apply your makeup while keeping your glasses in mind!

  1. Keep your eyebrows groomed, because they help frame your face
  2. Conceal dark circles under your eyes, as glasses only emphasize them.
  3. Lean towards using waterproof products because they are less likely to flake you’re your glasses.
  4. Keep the eyeshadow colors neutral and avoid grey eyeshadow because glasses will have already cast a shadow on your face.
  5. Don’t line your lower lash line, it will make you look more tired. Avoid a lot of color underneath the lash line as well.
  6. Apply the lightest color in the inner corner of your eye and apply a brown eyeshadow into your crease to further frame the eyes.
  7. Blend, blend, blend!
  8. Line your upper lash line with a thick, solid line.
  9. Apply on your mascara, curling your lashes in order to prevent them from bumping into your lenses. Feel free to add some pink blush and lipgloss/lipstick after!
  10. Try on your glasses and see how everything looks!

Photo Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/spexyissexy/3250273909/