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Amber Thai ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oxy chapter.

This week’s Cutie is our very own Her Campus Oxy guest contributor Amber Thai! Read on to find out what our Freshman Experience writer loves to snack on and what her fave Eagle Rock eatery is.

Name: Amber Thai

Class Year: 2015

Major: Potential Biology or Kinesiology (Pre-Med) in hopes of becoming nurse practitioner.  

Hometown: Eagle Rock, CA

Campus Activities: Her Campus Oxy, Student Admissions Blogger, Hosting prospective students, Student Ambassador for Eagle Rock High School, Dance Production, Volunteering at the Huntington Memorial Hospital

Single/Taken/ It’s Complicated: Single

Your favorite restaurant in Eagle Rock? Brownstone. The pizza is always good.

What’s your favorite style on a guy? If a guy can pull off a pair of nice jeans and a t-shirt then that’s ace.

Celebrity Crush? Bradley Cooper

What are qualities you look for in a potential partner? Charismatic, adventurous, ambitious, easy-going, and funny.

Favorite snack at Oxy? I eat meals as snacks – a cheeseburger or shrimp tempura with rice. 

Dream date? I supply the food, he supplies the conversation.

Most annoying habit in a guy? When they constantly shift their eyes as they are talking to you.

What is your strangest personality trait? I memorize little things, like funny stuff, which I like to bring up a lot to cheer people up.

Image credit: Facebook

Hi! I'm a super busy sophomore at Occidental College. I'm a Spanish, Group Language (Chinese and Linguistics) double major.
Madi Tsuji is a former Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Occidental. She is originally from Seattle, WA and now lives in New York City, where she works in PR.