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Affordable Summer Activities

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oxy chapter.

Summer is the time for fun, relaxation…and either a lot of free time that could burn holes in your pockets or a lot of free time to spend doing nothing. If you’re like many college students and your funds are limited, and will be even more limited after working that unpaid internship, here are a few fun ways to keep busy over the long break on a budget!

1. Attend local concerts!

No need to spend heaps of cash on pricy music festivals, or on that one big name you’re trying to see, instead hit up local coffee shops, pubs, clubs or other venues that have cheap (or free!) live music. Places that have live music typically have fun atmospheres and who knows, maybe you’ll see the next big thing? And if you don’t maybe you and your friends can laugh about what you had to endure. You can check the local papers for lists of shows or check out these websites for dates:


2. Dollar Theaters

Many cities have dollar theaters in which you can watch older released movies for $3 or less! Maybe you missed a lot of movies while you were busy at school. Now’s the time to sit down with a barrel of popcorn and enjoy!

3. Check out the Great Outdoors!

If you have a beach near you, great! But, if you’re more inland the US of A is home to many national and state forests and parks as well as having one of the most diverse landscapes in the world. Guaranteed, there is a park near or a short drive away with some great hiking or camping or places to hang out and take in the local natural scenery, perhaps it’ll surprise you.

4. Summer Leagues

If you’re sporty, or just want a cheap way to stay in shape, there are usually summer sports leagues in your area, which range from baseball, softball, soccer, rugby etc. Also, if you check out local papers there may be deals to get in some free yoga classes.

5. Local art galleries or museums

Like the local bands, this can go either way. Either you see some really cool, provocative things at low cost by local artists or at exhibitions in museums or perhaps you end up at the Smalltown Historic Paper Doll museum, laughing with your friends about how weird your town is. I’d say, nevertheless, you’ll probably have a good time that you spent little to know money on.

6. Road Trip!

Maybe I’m wrong and there is really nothing to do but laze around in your town all summer then it’s time for the quintessential college vacation—the road trip. Road trips are relatively cheap (though you’re going to want to take the car with the best mileage) and are a great way to travel with friends and create memories. There are so many exciting places to see in America and are fairly accessible. Maybe go check out a historic landmark, drive to a lake…And there’s always Canada or Mexico.

Whatever you do, don’t just lie around hoping one of your friends will decide what to do. Make the most of your free time. Remember, summer vacation is only a luxury for students. Have a great summer!

Image credit: lisathompsonlive.com 

What is everybody doing over summer?? What’s your favorite summer activity?

Madi Tsuji is a former Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Occidental. She is originally from Seattle, WA and now lives in New York City, where she works in PR.