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The Tree of Knowledge

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oxford Emory chapter.

Knowledge is a tree root. The different disciplines may be deviating branches of the same tree with their own paths, but visualize how the roots connect all branches and even the trunk of the tree together. Everything is interwoven. All of it is a part of a universe that scientifically continues proving this very fact. All parts of the tree rely on the roots for its life and the roots contribute to one object, the health of the overall tree. It is because of the roots that the tree is alive. Branches can be severed off and leaves fall and return, but the tree cannot live without the roots that absorb the nourishment and water. They are ultimately responsible for the beautiful blossoms the tree brandishes one day.

As I start my journey in college, I am at times perplexed by the resistance to venture beyond one’s own specialization. GPA is important. So is learning. While I understand the pressures of maintaining a good GPA and graduating to a paying job that requires specialized skills, it seems that the original intent of college as a place of learning is fading slowly. In order to be truly masterful in this world, one needs a little knowledge from all the disciplines. Many neglect this idea and travel with the perspective that the disciplines are completely separate and as long as one has mastery over their own discipline or as long as they are devoted to a discipline, they will be completely free of others and will be able to succeed.

“Are you a math or an English person?” The misconceptions about the STEM field simply “stems” from childhood when one is asked such a question by teachers and parents alike. It immediately concludes that math and writing cannot be equally enjoyed and coerces one to ditch one for the other. It is critical to understand from a young age that people are taught to

believe that they must be loyal to only one subject and that liking another subject is a form of betrayal. It’s not just America. This is global. In some countries, the selection process starts as early as the beginning of high school. Students are forced to choose a high school that caters to one subject as opposed to others. Therefore, a student that chooses to pursue writing may end up in a high school that only specializes in that field. This exposes the student only to a limited number of classes and denies certain subjects entirely in favor of others. There is very little education provided in high school or even the early years of college to showcase to students the type of professions and their lifestyles that emanate from such early choice making. Frightening, isn’t it? To assume that one loves or despises a certain profession based on a single course or two in high school, it is alarming indeed. Thus, the global education system is guilty for much of the discouragement there is for people to pursue different passions.

In a modern world where law bleeds into computer science and computer science bleeds into medicine, and in a universe where higher level chemistry and physics become a single bonded field, and in a time where digital computing, dye manufacturing, and understanding the refraction of light all take an active role in creating the aesthetic beauty of paintings or a sculpture, it is rather depressing to realize that our educational system does not fathom a different type of knowledge-based-seeking for the Twenty-First Century.

Laura is the current treasurer of the Her Campus chapter of Emory University in Atlanta and is studying computer science. Previously, she had been the secretary of the OC Emory University Her Campus chapter from 2018-2019. Laura views her surroundings through a creative lens. She strived to use her love for innovation to bring a lively paper to her audience when she was Editor-in-chief and layout designer of her high school newspaper, The Hitching Post. Both math and writing impassion her, and the fusion of her two loves can be seen in her many STEM articles. In her free time, Laura likes to sing opera, learn new languages, works on novels and poetry, and explores new places with her friends. Whether it's Atlanta or Manhattan, she will never withdraw from an opportunity for adventure. Sarcastic jokes are her Achilles heel. You can not only find her articles all over Her Campus, but also on the Emory Wheel. 
Writing for Her Campus, alongside being the Senior Editor of the Emory chapter, strengthens my creativity and ability to teach others. It spills into my professional life by emphasizing my capabilities to motivate, inspire, and learn from my peers.