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20 Lessons My Dad Has Taught Me

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oxford Emory chapter.

My first word as a baby was “Dada” and the rest was history.

Ever since I can remember I have been a daddy’s girl and I always will be. The relationship between a father and daughter is a unique bond. My dad has always loved watching my two sisters and I grow up and has given us his words of wisdom every step of the way. My dad has always been there to listen to me and give me advice on anything from car trouble to school trouble and is always willing to help as he says “I’m in his circle.” I know that my dad will always be there for me no matter what I do. The lessons a father teaches his daughter are some of the most important life lessons she will take with her. Therefore, in honor of my Dad’s 52nd birthday today I have comprised a list of some of the most valuable lessons he has taught me.

  1. Family will be there for you when others won’t be.
  2. You are who you hang out with.
  3. Everywhere you go is a new opportunity. 
  4. Be humble. 
  5. Not everyone needs to know your business. 
  6. To “be a sponge” and take everything in as you go. 
  7. Develop a good work ethic.
  8. Thank the people who have helped you get where you are today. 
  9. It’s all about perspective.
  10. Stay in touch with the people in your life.
  11. Live below your means.
  12. Always put aside some money for savings.
  13. Apologize when you have made a mistake.
  14. It’s okay not to be right.
  15. Be informed on what is happening in the world.
  16. If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.
  17. If you do not ask, the answer will always be no.
  18. Get up early—you’ll be amazed how much you can get done while everyone else is sleeping.
  19. Be proud of your roots.
  20. I am never too old to call him Daddy.

Thank you for all the wonderful lessons you have taught me and for the many more you are still yet to teach me. I am so lucky to be a daddy’s girl.

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Hannah Page

Oxford Emory

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Jordan Chapman

Oxford Emory

Jordan Chapman is a visual art and international studies major with a French minor at Emory University. As a second year student, she's incredibly busy, but when you add jetsetting and writing a blog (in addition to a Youtube channel), her life is more busy than you may think. When she isn't watching Stranger Things or writing blog posts, she's in class or sending emails, with the dream of being the next big editor or fashion blogger. As a future London expat and wanderlust victim, she visits the land across the pond quite frequently along with many other places in Europe frequently, just hoping that life will take her somewhere fun and exciting.