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What Was My College Career Like?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

Dear Oswego,

    As my last semester here at SUNY Oswego is coming to an end, I didn’t realize until the past few weeks that it’s been a time of panic for me. Not for what I’ll do next in my future endeavors, seeing as I will be going to the University of Rochester in the fall for my Master’s in Mental Health Counseling. Not for finals, because all my classes this semester have been writing based, so I only have final papers due the last week of classes.

The panic is for me questioning whether I had a “satisfying” or “successful” college career (or more like “undergrad” career). I am graduating a full year early and have encountered many opportunities I realized I could’ve pursued (or pursued further) if I stayed for the full four years. In other words, I feel like I haven’t done enough. I haven’t reached my full potential. I wasted my time here at Oswego.

    But the more I look back at my time here at SUNY Oswego, the more I realize just how wrong I am. I have had a very fulfilling undergrad career. I’ve done a lot. Although there have been downs, there have been significantly more ups in my three years here.

    So, without any further ado, here is the list of all the things I have done in my college career:


  1. Took a trip to Poland and Spain (specifically Ibiza and Barcelona)

  2. Been to at least a dozen SUNY Oswego hockey games

  3. Went to Buffalo for two Sabres games (one against the Devils and the other against the Islanders, where I got a puck from Calvin deHaan for my posters)

  1. Went to every home-opener the Islanders had since I came to college (been to 29 NHL games in total over the past 3 years)

  2. Went to California with a friend (Brittany) for the first time

  3. Visited the LA Kings’ and Anaheim Ducks’ arenas (they played against the Dallas Stars)

  4. Went to a Twenty-One Pilots concert

  5. Saw Paramour on Broadway

  6. Started a Scratch the World map for my readers on various websites (in terms of how many countries per continent, 21/50 in Asia, 21/51 in Europe, 8/54 in Africa, 8/23 in North America, 3/12 in South America, 3/14 in Australia)

  1. Went to Utica for an All-American Rejects concert

  2. Volunteered and walked for Yards for Yeardley each year

  3. Met Frank DeAngelis (former principal of Columbine High School) and Kristina Anderson (survivor of Virginia Tech and founder of the Koshka Foundation)

  4. Went on a weekend trip to Boston for a Public Justice Club field trip

  5. Decided to pursue dance after not doing so in over 10 years with Del Sarte (been in 2 recitals and have seen all the other ones!)

  1. Saw DNCE live at OzFest and have been to OzFest each year

  2. Went to a Thirty Seconds to Mars and Muse concert

  3. Saw the play 1984 on Broadway (it’s my all-time favorite book, as a side-note)

  4. Gave moral support, along with a lot of advice and reassurance, to the 2017 Miss Polonia of Hempstead (I was one in 2015)

  5. Did Red Carpet Crew in Hart Hall for 2 years

  6. Met my amazing boyfriend (Anthony)

  7. Became a teaching assistant (TA) for the psychology department’s Research Methods class (a lot of statistics)

  8. Went to my fifth (year in a row) Fall Out Boy concert

  9. Saw Imagine Dragons live at Buffalo

  10. Went roller-skating in Fulton

  11. Went to ToraCon in Rochester

  1. Been to multiple plays/musicals at SUNY Oswego and Le Moyne College

  2. Signed my first lease and lived in Oswego for summer ‘18

  3. Was an It’s On Oz intern for Summer ‘18 and continued to be so for the rest of my college career, which I absolutely loved and enjoyed

  4. Worked at Friendly’s in Oswego that summer, which wasn’t great but was definitely an experience

  5. Went axe-throwing with my brother and his friend (we were the “Axe”-slinging Slashers!)

  1. Went to the final Warped Tour

  2. Saw Gym Classes Heroes and The Offsprings live in concert at the gorgeous Lakeview Amphitheater

  3. Went to the Sterling Renaissance Fair

  4. Went to a Snacks & Cats event at Oswego’s animal shelter

  5. Visited Fort Ontario

  6. Went to the Great New York State Fair for the last 2 years

  7. Apple-picked for the first time in years at the Ontario Orchards

  8. Went to my first drive-in movie theater (Midway Drive-in Theatre) and watched Halloween (1978) and Halloween (2018)

  9. Wrote countless cards for #CardsForKids

  10. Did the Color Run each year

  1. Been bowling a million times

  2. Went to the Rosamond Gifford Zoo and the Bronx Zoo (also the Brooklyn Bridge)

  3. Been to a haunted house near Oswego

  4. Although I haven’t been able to go to the meetings, I decided to take the plunge and start writing articles for HerCampus

  5. Joined The Oswegonian as a copy-editor, enjoyed my Wednesdays/Thursdays there, and met really great people (side-note: my cat ended up in the newspaper!)

  6. Been Head Editor of Fiction at Great Lake Review since my first semester (so for 6 semesters straight)

  7. Been secretary for Writer’s Open Forum (although I haven’t been able to attend meetings as much this year)

  8. Met authors Sara Goff and Christopher Paolini and filmmaker Kristen Vermilyea

  9. Been a part of other clubs like Team One Love, Psychology Club, Maker’s Club and Nihon-Go

  10. Was inducted into Psi Chi and Alpha Delta Omega Honor Societies (psychology and public justice, respectively)

  11. Sat in on Student Conduct Committee sessions

  12. Been a research assistant (RA) for two professors, one in the psychology department and the other in public justice, for over a year

  13. Conducted studies as a psychology RA

  14. Helped create a manuscript on mass shooting survivors to be sent for publishing

  15. Presented said manuscript at one of the biggest criminology conventions in the U.S. (ASC) in Atlanta

  1. Went to the Old Lady Gang restaurant (owned by Kandi Burruss from the Real Housewives of Atlanta) and met her grandma

  2. Completed 40 classes at Cooper fitness center (mostly Zumba and a few yoga classes)

  3. Decided to finally practice self-care and self-love (through meditation and counseling)

  4. Received my certification to facilitate Circle of Security programs

  5. Took the GRE (even though it ended up being pointless) and was accepted into multiple grad schools

  6. Seen more movies than ever before, especially with Oswego 7’s Tuesday $5 movies deal

  7. Been to my first ever movie premieres (for Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame)

  8. Created my own psychology study for my capstone, conducted it, and wrote the results in a paper

  9. Took part in my first volleyball tournament at SUNY Oswego

  10. Will be graduating a full year early with dual majors in Psychology and Public Justice

For those who took the time to read the list or jumped to the end, the answer to the question in the beginning is: yes, I have had a satisfying undergrad career. I have done so much in my three years here at SUNY Oswego to the point where I know, after this article is posted, I’ll be to myself constantly saying, “Oh, shoot! I forgot to mention so and so.”

    I loved my time here at Oswego. I’ve met so many great (and admittedly not-so-great) people who I will always remember, along with all of our great memories. I will forever be grateful for all the experiences I’ve had – both good and bad – that shaped me into the amazing, beautiful, independent person I am today.

Thank you, Oswego, for some of the greatest years of my life.



A SUNY Oswego graduate

Although Evelyn is supposed to be a junior, she is a graduating senior at SUNY Oswego double majoring in Psychology and Public Justice. She has discovered a new love for mindfulness, so when she has the time off during her busy schedule, you can find her meditating her stresses away (or at least that's the hope).
Jordyn is a Biology major with a minor in creative writing at SUNY Oswego. She hopes to open a rehabilitation center for wildlife in the future. She's very passionate about animals and spreading awareness for animal rights. She also enjoys drawing and painting.