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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

Hey ladies, are you looking for a history buff that could tie you elaborate knots while filming it? I know that seems oddly specific, but if you’re looking for such a man, you’ll find it in this week’s Campus Cutie Tim LaMay. Tim is a smart guy looking to mingle! So check out this week’s cutie Tim LaMay.

Age: 20

Year at Oswego: Senior (’13)

Single or taken: Single

Favorite band: The Receiving End of Sirens. It breaks my heart that they broke up, and every time they get back together I can’t see them play. They’re the experts at playing ‘hard to get’!

Best memory at Oswego: Bringing news and sports to life at WTOP!

If you had $70 million dollars, whats the first thing you would do?: Buy an English castle and move to Great Britain, always been a dream of mine due to my creepy obsession with British culture.

Biggest Pet Peeve: one word/letter texts… ‘k’ is not a response!

If you could have one exotic pet what would it be: An axolotl for sure, they’re quite possibly the coolest looking animal ever! if you don’t know what that is, I suggest googling it 

I am from a small town outside of Syracuse, New York. In high school, I ran Cross Country and track where I competed in the 100m hurdles, 4x1, 200m and many other events. I now attend SUNY Oswego and I am majoring in journalism and anthropology. I have recently added a minor in health science because of my passion for health and fitness. Last semester, I wrote a health and fitness blog for Her Campus Oswego. I currently work as a personal trainer on campus. I love readings, writing, skiing, running, and I am a major shop-aholic! KM <3