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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

With October being just a step away, now is the time to pull out your Halloween decorations and gather your pumpkin carving kits. Soon enough the streets will be decked out with Halloween spookies and scaries. The time for picking costumes and browsing candy at the store is finally upon us. And with that, comes the much anticipated Halloween movies. These are my top three Halloween movies to watch during this spooky season. 

Halloweentown (1998)

Halloweentown is a seasonal classic. I grew up anticipating this time of year to hear that familiar Halloweentown theme music that plays as you enter the world of Halloween town. following the adventures of Marnie, Dylan and Sophie as they entered the magical world of their grandma Aggie Cromwell. This Halloween movie gives watchers a family friendly classic to sit back and enjoy together. especially for those who don’t prefer scary movies, Halloweentown combines the Halloween spirit with a lighthearted energy making it a perfect scene for popcorn and good times

Midsommar (2019)

Although not usually considered a “halloween movie” Midsommar provides watchers with an uncomfortable, creeping up the spine feeling for a traditional unnerving Halloween. It follows the story of a couple who leave home in order to visit a friend living in Sweden. While there they join in on a festival and activities within the town, and soon enough they realize this celebration is not what they expected. This movie is labeled as a horror/thriller, yet I personally like to refer to it as one of the most uncomfortable movies I’ve ever watched. And while normally I would consider that a bad thing, it’s perfectly fitting for the scary disturbing nature of Halloween.

Scary Godmother: Halloween Spooktacular (2003)

This is a movie I remember from my early childhood and very earliest Halloween memories. To be completely honest at one point I even thought I’d dreamt of this movie until finally my roommate confirmed that she had watched it as a kid too! While this definitely is considered a child’s movie, it is full of nostalgia and happy feelings. It centers around that silly humor of childhood innocence, and also includes a minute long dance scene, which no one can refuse. Scary Godmother: Halloween Spooktacular is 48 minutes of pure goofiness and cute animated Halloween costumes.

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April White

Oswego '23

April White is currently a senior at SUNY Oswego. She is a Broadcasting major with a minor in Creative Writing. More often than not you can find her either reading or tucked away in bed watching Netflix. She loves animals, iced coffee and the colors green and purple.