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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

She is like a snake 

She’s shedding the layers of hurt she no longer needs

She is becoming strong to defeat and to be ready for battle 

She’s becoming stronger and will have the grip of things real soon 

The grip of life and it’s torture 

But they won’t affect her 

She is ready for them 



And emotionally 

She’s shedding 

But she will not forget her old flesh

Because it has made her into something better

She is ready for her new skin 

She is ready to be bigger and better 

She is looking at things differently 

She’s getting comfortable in her own skin 

She will be a beautiful snake with battle scars 

But those scars will no longer hurt nor define her 

They will be instead her beauty and empowerment 

Each scar has a story of its own and all together will create an image 

They will fit her beautifully

The undergrad, known as Jay, is a theatre major at SUNY Oswego, where she is now enrolled. Cooking, dancing, writing poetry, traveling, and shooting photographs are just a few of her favorite pastimes. Her career aspiration is to work as a play therapist, but she also wants to be an advocate for the development of emotional intelligence in children.