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Losing Weight: Multi-tasking at its Best

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

Personally, I am not one who likes to change up my workout. I do what I know I can do and stick to that routine because it works for me. But if you think about it, wouldn’t you want to double your workout if you could? I mean, with finals drawing near, some of us may have less time to get our normal full workout in.

Why do I mention this? Not only because I have tried this several times, but I was reminded of it today at the gym: you can tone your muscles and do cardio at the same time!

It takes some practice, believe me. But what I like to do is punch with my arms (I personally do not have good balance, so weights and I don’t mix well on the elliptical). But it was a great way to start off on focusing on keeping my balance, getting my beloved cardio in and working on toning my arms.

Afraid your peers might be checking out your moves? It’s okay if you feel uncomfortable (I do too), so that’s why I wait until I am home and in the gym (where it is mostly middle-aged folks) to do it.
Then again, it might just help build your confidence if you start doing it in front of your peers. Remember, even when you do lose the weight (or at least tone what you got), you can’t be sexy without confidence! Don’t feel alone ladies, it is something I work on every day too!

Samantha Shelton is a senior at SUNY Oswego with a dual major in journalism and creative writing. Hailing from a super small town that doesn't even have a stop light, Samantha enjoys soccer, spinning and trying any flavor of frozen yogurt imaginable! She has been the Managing Editor of her student newspaper, The Oswegonian, and completed the American Society of Magazine Editors (ASME) summer internship program in 2010 at FITNESS magazine. Samantha recently launched Ed2010 at Oswego State, a national networking organization that helps students break into the magazine industry. These days, (when she’s not running from class to class) you can find Samantha at the campus fitness centers, where she works as the PR student manager and a personal trainer; working with Colleges Against Cancer to help find a cure; or in a comfy cafe chair reading her latest pile of magazines.