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Losing Weight: Creating Your Own Success

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

 Do you ever feel like you’re doing well some days, but then you make the wrong decisions the next and end up back where you just were? I have and it is one of the worse feelings ever. Luckily, I have a few tips I’ve been testing out myself, so they might motivate you too.

First, focus on each day in the present time. That means you shouldn’t think about what you should have for lunch and dinner, or what workouts you are going to do tomorrow because eventually, it will stress you out. If you’re focusing on the moment in front of you and the decisions you have to make right then, you’re likely to be less stressed. Make one decision at a time.

Next, decide on a reasonable amount of weight you would like to drop by the end of this semester. On average, it’s healthy for people to lose one to two pounds per week, but not much more than that. If you go much higher, then diet and exercise habits may become a cause for concern. So when you’re making your end-of-the-semester goal, keep that in mind. And don’t forget to factor in rest days! You don’t need to be on the go every second of every day.  

Another tip: I bought size seven pants, which I used to fit into, and have them hanging up in my room. They’re always there for me to see – a visual reminder of my goal and where I want to be physically by the end of the semester. I look at them several times a day and visualize myself wearing them. Do you have a favorite pair of jeans you want to fit into again? Shorts? Bikini? Whatever the item of clothing is, hang it up so you see it every day to remind yourself of what you really want. And remember, positive thinking can help, but negative body image won’t. So don’t put yourself down. Picture yourself rocking those pants and then put forth the effort to slide into them!

Lastly, listen to uplifting music. Before I go to the gym, I pump myself up with P!nk songs like “Stupid Girl,” “So What,” and “Raise Your Glass.” Music can be a huge motivator, so use it to your advantage!

What motivates you to stick to your goals? Any I should try out? 

Samantha Shelton is a senior at SUNY Oswego with a dual major in journalism and creative writing. Hailing from a super small town that doesn't even have a stop light, Samantha enjoys soccer, spinning and trying any flavor of frozen yogurt imaginable! She has been the Managing Editor of her student newspaper, The Oswegonian, and completed the American Society of Magazine Editors (ASME) summer internship program in 2010 at FITNESS magazine. Samantha recently launched Ed2010 at Oswego State, a national networking organization that helps students break into the magazine industry. These days, (when she’s not running from class to class) you can find Samantha at the campus fitness centers, where she works as the PR student manager and a personal trainer; working with Colleges Against Cancer to help find a cure; or in a comfy cafe chair reading her latest pile of magazines.