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Losing the Weight: Counting Calories Propels Weight Loss

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

When you’re in college, there are so many food choices that it can be a bit overwhelming. Some options are health and some are, well, not so healthy. Luckily, you can go online and see the nutritional information within the main dishes that they are serving for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

But what about at home? Eating healthy isn’t always as easy as it sounds when mom and dad want to cook you a wonderful meal of your favorites (usually something unhealthy) as a “welcome home” deal. What are you going to do?

My suggestion: eat it! Except this time, while the ingredients are still in their packages and boxes, I would suggest you pay closer attention to the serving size if you don’t want to overeat and take in the extra calories. Like I keep saying, being healthy isn’t about depriving yourself!

Everything you can get at a grocery store will tell you how many calories per serving. How do I know this will help, along with your daily exercise? Because this is what I did and I lost 90 pounds.

For those of you who are working out for the first time and are considered overweight, completing cardio and/or strength training for about 30 minutes will jumpstart your weight loss pretty quickly. Trust me, just changing your habits will get your body out of its rut and boost your metabolism!

For those of you that are constantly working out, try to work off half, or even a third, of the calories you consume (this does not necessarily mean for the whole day, unless of course you workout at night). If you follow those suggestions, you should start to see results.  Good luck!

Samantha Shelton is a senior at SUNY Oswego with a dual major in journalism and creative writing. Hailing from a super small town that doesn't even have a stop light, Samantha enjoys soccer, spinning and trying any flavor of frozen yogurt imaginable! She has been the Managing Editor of her student newspaper, The Oswegonian, and completed the American Society of Magazine Editors (ASME) summer internship program in 2010 at FITNESS magazine. Samantha recently launched Ed2010 at Oswego State, a national networking organization that helps students break into the magazine industry. These days, (when she’s not running from class to class) you can find Samantha at the campus fitness centers, where she works as the PR student manager and a personal trainer; working with Colleges Against Cancer to help find a cure; or in a comfy cafe chair reading her latest pile of magazines.