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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

Name: Kelsey Valentin

Class standing: Sophomore

Relationship status: Single

Extra curriculars: WTOP and Mentor with the Oswego Middle School Mentor-Scholar program.

Favorite rainy day activity: Laying on a couch reading all the Harry Potter books for the trillionth time.

Favorite place for retail therapy: Target because you can get anything your heart could ever desire and it’s all super inexpensive.

If you could be any ice cream flavor, what would it be and why? Mint Chocolate Chip because I’m sweet and refreshing ;)

What is the best day you ever had and why? The best day I ever had was the day I got kicked out of Walmart with my friends. My friends and I started a HUGE lightsaber war that went throughout the entire store complete with armor and masks.

If you had a million dollars but could only spend it on someone else, who would it be and why?  I would hands down spend it on my nieces and nephew. They are all the most adorable things in the world and I already spend a mini fortune on them so it wouldn’t be that much different.

Kaitlin Provost graduated from SUNY Oswego, majoring in journalism with a learning agreement in photography. She grew up in five different towns all over the Northeast, eventually settling and graduating from high school in Hudson, Massachusetts. Kait now lives in the blustery town of Oswego, New York, where she can frequently be found running around like a madwoman, avoiding snow drifts taller than her head (which, incidentally, is not very tall). She has worked for her campus newspaper, The Oswegonian, as the Assistant News Editor, and is also the President of the Oswego chapter of Ed2010, a national organization which helps students break into the magazine industry. She hopes to one day work for National Geographic and travel the world.