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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

As I transition into a new semester and begin to feel all the mixed emotions that accompany a new chapter of my education journey, I decided what better time to try a new form of writing as well. Not entirely sure as to what I should try next, a random thought to start blogging came to my mind. I’m not really the blogging type, at least not that I know of. But trying new things is good, at least in theory.

I decided I really needed to come up with a name for this though if it was going to contain multiple parts. Life gives you something unique when you examine it with a closed eye each time, similar to that of a kaleidoscope. I thought I should include my name as well, so I could call it Kayla’s Kaleidoscope. The two words sounded nice together. I figured this was a perfect title for a perfect metaphor. Since really I don’t have a set topic to blog about, more so just my daily ramblings and a place to share day-to-day words about whatever may feel important to share at the given time.

Deciding that this would be a new chapter in my journey as a writer for HCOZ was easy. I felt it was time to embark on a new project of sorts. I’ve been mainly running on croissants and course readings, and still surprisingly it’s nice to be back into the swing of things. I’m taking classes I truly enjoy, seeing my friends more often, and overall finding the joy that lies within the smallest moments. What do I have to complain about, truthfully? At least, what do I have to complain about this week?

Hopefully, the lighthearted tone doesn’t drastically change next week!

In all seriousness, take care of yourselves, and make sure to remember you’re your number one priority, no matter what the kaleidoscope decides to show you today!

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Kayla Hill

Oswego '25

My name is Kayla, I joined HerCampus, to explore my potential as a writer. I'm passionate for writing poetry, but have done other forms of creative writing in the past. When I'm not writing, I dual major in Sociology and Criminal Justice, with a Photography Minor. When I graduate, I plan to follow my dreams wherever they take me!