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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

Self-care is really important to me, as it relates to both my mental and physical well-being. BelleBy KaeKae is a company that focuses on natural beauty. I chose to start my own company since I battled with skin problems as a kid and still do now. Though acne is a common occurrence in life, knowing that I assisted someone with the same insecurities as myself brings me happiness. Everyone should embrace and strengthen one another, thereby returning compassion to fill the void left by sadness. The power of beauty is to raise one another with gratitude, which is why our slogan is “The power of beauty is to uplift one another with gratitude.” Being a leader and encouraging our kings and queens to be their best selves is the true power of beauty.

BelleBy KaeKae launched on April 9.2021, after two years of planning and organizing. With only $300, my team and I did what we could and decided to purchase inventory along with other business initiatives: business cards, supplies, and other cosmetic necessities. With the money we had, inventory wasn’t the only thing we thought about when launching the brand. Marketing, branding, and running ads played a significant role with launching.

After graduating from a business high school, It provided us with many outside opportunities in business, finance, entrepreneurship, marketing, computer science, etc. There’s this Entrepreneur program the school offered and I pitched my business and was able to get funding and a 10-week mentorship from Dr. Jamila T Davis- author, educator, motivational speaker, activist, and entrepreneur. Hearing about this new program, I knew getting involved with this would help me succeed as the entrepreneur I dreamed to be. Throughout the 10 weeks, myself along with the other participants learned about branding, marketing, budgeting, learning our target audience, graphic design, website domains, and much more knowledge to build an effective brand.

My wonderful former Principal Zenobia White Da-Cruz, made it her mission to continue pushing more initiatives for student business opportunities; providing this program for us was many major components she has added to her school’s philosophy. She has built a strong business journey for many students entering the school. Ensuring we walk out of high school gaining knowledge and taking something special with us, investing money into my small business is something I’ll forever be grateful for.

Kaeillyn is a scholar, freedom fighter, and socialist from Edenwald Projects. NYC's largest housing development in the Bronx. She currently studies public relations; gender, women, and sexuality at SUNY Oswego. Kaeillyn hopes to earn a PhD that will advance her research interest in social sciences