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Easy Ways to Stay Healthy This Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

The days are shorter, the nights are colder, and all anyone can think about is the upcoming Oswego winter. We are all aware of the brutal winds and heavy snowstorms that are upon us, as well as all of the germs that accompany it.

So instead of dreading the upcoming flu season, why not prepare yourself for what’s ahead? Here are a few things to keep in mind while you button up that coat:

First and foremost, WASHYOUR HANDS. It’s the simplest act anyone can do, yet it is usually ignored. Your hands touch more surfaces than any other part of your body.  Avoid touching your face after touching anything in public places – this is the fastest way to spread a virus –so clean your hands. All over campus there are hand sanitizer dispensers that can save you a trip to
Mary Walker Health Center if you just use them.
Second, bundle up!!! It’s Oswego, notorious for harsh winters and lake effect winds. Layers are your friend this winter, not your mini skirt. Scarves, gloves and hats are a necessity as well. Even on a night out, bringing an extra jacket or layer couldn’t hurt.
If you do get sick this winter, don’t spread your germs. Cover your mouth with the inside of your arm, not your hands. Hands touch doorknobs, computer keyboards, and much more that can easily get another person sick. A quick and easy way to avoid spreading germs is to sanitize your hands both before and after touching a computer keyboard in the library or computer labs. Also, don’t share any drinks or utensils with friends! Germs spread fast through saliva… so just be careful.

Follow these easy tips, and visit Mary Walker at the first sign of illness!

Kaitlin Provost graduated from SUNY Oswego, majoring in journalism with a learning agreement in photography. She grew up in five different towns all over the Northeast, eventually settling and graduating from high school in Hudson, Massachusetts. Kait now lives in the blustery town of Oswego, New York, where she can frequently be found running around like a madwoman, avoiding snow drifts taller than her head (which, incidentally, is not very tall). She has worked for her campus newspaper, The Oswegonian, as the Assistant News Editor, and is also the President of the Oswego chapter of Ed2010, a national organization which helps students break into the magazine industry. She hopes to one day work for National Geographic and travel the world.