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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

I understand that we’re in college and that everyone is very busy with their lives, including myself, but if there’s one thing I’m a total stickler about, it’s how I dress. Some people have known me for 3+ years and never seen me in a pair of sweatpants. And if there’s one thing I would like to thank, it’s my favorite television drama, Mad Men for making me a total clothing Nazi.

I started watching Mad Men when I was 18 and going through my mandatory, grungy hippie phase. I was immediately drawn to the style of the show- how it was filmed, the writing, the sets- and more specifically, the costumes. All of which (if you’re not familiar with the show, which if you aren’t you need to stop reading this and watch all of the seasons on Netflix. Immediately) captivate the 1960s in (from what I understand, granted I wasn’t even an embryo yet) an incredible way.
All of the women on the show, from the leading ladies, to the bit secretaries, all dress beautifully. You never catch them off guard- even their sleepwear is beautiful. And it got me to pose an incredibly philosophical question:
“What the hell am I wearing and why?”
From that point forward, I swore to myself I would never wear a pair of sweatpants in public again. My makeup would always be done, and at any given moment I would look… well, presentable. When I arrived at college that summer I realized that my female peers had a much different sense of style than I. And I was re-introduced to North Faces and Ugg Boots and forced to pose another incredibly philosophical question:
“What the hell are you wearing and why?”
After a few months, I began to realize that I was the odd girl out. That most girls dress for comfort during the day, and for good looks at night. But I still ask- why?
The beautiful woman on Mad Men wear undergarments more extreme than Spanx and white gloves when they drive. As much as I would love to do the same, I recognize that it’s totally impractical but still- why can’t we try and emulate them as much as we possibly can? I’m not saying all of us have to try and achieve a spot-on Betty Draper wardrobe (a feat I have yet to achieve), but why can’t we all just put on a nice pair of jeans or a skirt every day instead of sweats and Ugg Boots?
The argument I always get for this is “I’m just too busy.” And my response is always the same. I’m the busiest girl I know, and I know girls busier than me and we still manage to put effort into our appearances every day. It only takes an extra 10 minutes a night for me to lay out what I’m going to wear the next day, maybe 15 if I have to iron. Most mornings, I wake up at 8:30 for my 9:35 class and I’m finished getting ready by 9:05 the latest, and still have time for breakfast. Granted, I can’t sleep until 9:15 and make it to class on time, but instead of feeling like I just rolled out of bed… I feel good about what I look like. Confident, even.

The second argument I get is. “Well, like, I just can’t afford to dress cute all the time.” The next time I hear a girl say that, I’m going to smack them across the face and then take them shopping with me. I am an incredible cheap-o when it comes to money, especially when it comes to clothes. Which is why I am the Clearance Rack Queen, and the Outlet Store Princess. I have outfits that cost less than 30 dollars all together, and they’re as Betty Draper as I can get without actually being Betty Draper. All you have to do is have a little bit of patience (which is all I have when it comes to shopping. After about an hour I become a child and start to stomp my feet and pout) and look. Old Navy, Gap, Forever 21, and even E-bay (if you’re feeling risky), have awesome clothes for reasonable prices. If you’re feeling incredibly dangerous, head to a thrift store for an afternoon and start going through racks. As soon as you get used to the smell, you won’t want to leave. At least, that’s always my experience.
So make the time for you to impersonate Betty Draper or whoever your fashion icon is. An additional 30 minutes a morning, at most I swear. Feel good when you get to class! Save those Ugg Boots and sweatpants for a rainy day. Embrace your femininity every day- not just over the weekend. Wear lipstick. Wear stockings. Put a ribbon in your hair. Wear cute panties. But most of all, wear what you think is beautiful. If that is a North Face, then that’s okay. But don’t get all jealous when I tell you I scored the dress I’m wearing for 15 bucks at Marshalls. And if you do get jealous- then blame Mad Men
I am from a small town outside of Syracuse, New York. In high school, I ran Cross Country and track where I competed in the 100m hurdles, 4x1, 200m and many other events. I now attend SUNY Oswego and I am majoring in journalism and anthropology. I have recently added a minor in health science because of my passion for health and fitness. Last semester, I wrote a health and fitness blog for Her Campus Oswego. I currently work as a personal trainer on campus. I love readings, writing, skiing, running, and I am a major shop-aholic! KM <3