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Cross it Off the List: 25 Things to Do Before Graduation

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

It’s the last week of classes and graduation is a mere 10 days away. Are you ready to graduate? Before you say yes, make sure you’ve checked all of these things off of your Oswego State bucket list. If you haven’t, it’s time to get crackin’ before you run out of time!

  1. Go on Bridge Street Run (BSR).
    Come on, we all knew this was going to be number one. Even if you’re not a big drinker, every Oswego State student needs to experience this tradition once. So grab a white T-shirt, slip a sharpie in your pocket and get ready for a day full of laughs, drinks and unforgettable moments.
  2. Celebrate Questmas Eve. Every student loves Quest Day because well, classes are cancelled right when we all crave a much-needed break. But what’s even better than actual Quest Day? Questmas Eve. Gather up some friends and celebrate like it’s going out of style.
  3. Attend a hockey game. It’s kind of a big deal here. If you want to experience school spirit in full-force, make sure you go to a white-out game versus Plattsburgh. Don a “Puck Flattsburgh” T-shirt, bring a white towel to wave and paint your face green and gold.
  4. Eat at Rudy’s and Bev’s. They’re located practically on campus, so there’s really no excuse. Both are Oswego staples that you must experience, so go grab some grub and then enjoy it down by the lake. While you’re at it, hit up the local eateries in Oswego like The Ritz, The Press Box and Cheap Seats.
  5. Sing karaoke at Mug Night. Party-wise, Thursday night is just as important as Friday and Saturday in Oswego. After all, you can head to Azteca’s nice and early to slurp down extremely discounted (and delicious!) margaritas, then head to Old City Hall for 50-cent drafts. Bring a group of friends who aren’t afraid to bust out “Time of Your Life” before the end of the night to channel your inner rock-star.
  6. Watch a sunset down by the lake. We have one of the top-rated sunsets in the world, so why not experience it first-hand? Head down to the lake so you can hear the gentle lapping of the waves as you watch the sun go down and forget about all of life’s problems.
  7. Take advantage of the dollar theater. Alright, they’ve bumped it up to $2 per ticket now, but it’s still a pretty sweet deal. Located at the auditorium in the Campus Center, the Student Association Programming Board (SAPB) plays recently released movies for a cheap price.

  8. Attend a school performance.
    From the Del Sarte dance shows to the numerous theater performances, you’ll be shocked by how talented your fellow students are. Support them for a few hours and watch them shine in the spotlight.
  9. Go on a real date. At least once, have a campus cutie treat you like a lady with a night out on the town. Booty calls can get old really fast and you deserve better. It doesn’t have to be expensive either: head to Lighthouse Lanes for some bowling and impress your date by offering to buy the first round of beer and pizza.
  10. Ride the drunk bus. Safety first, ladies! Hop aboard the bus to get to your destination safely – there’s no need to drink and drive.
  11. Walk to the lighthouse. When your campus is nestled right by Lake Ontario, you have to take advantage of the scenery. Walk along the breakwall and take some sunset photographs with the lighthouse in view.
  12. Hang out at the bluffs. An Oswego favorite, the bluffs is one of the most popular hangout spots. Jump in the car on a sunny day with friends and make the quick drive over there, bring snacks to munch on and waste away the day with some good ole’ fashion fun in the sun.
  13. See the bikini mile. It happens every year: collegiettes are determined to get their tan on so they slip into a bikini, grab a towel and lay out on the strip of land above the lake. At times, girls can literally be lined across the land for a mile. Drive by (in a non-creeper way) and see how many girls are participating on any given day.
  14. Attend a Greek life party. Some love ‘em, some hate ‘em. You won’t know until you try it.

  15. Get Zonies and Sub Shop after a long night.
    Open until 4a.m., both places know how to satisfy the munchies after a big night of entertainment. Don’t have cash? Opt for Sub Shop and use your Plus Plan money.
  16. Go to your professor’s office hours. There’s something to be said for having your professors know your face and name. Get to know them because they’ve most likely done some pretty cool stuff.
  17. Do something for charity. You’ve been given the opportunity to go to college and learn something specific to your interests, so give back to a cause that means a lot to you and grant other people their own opportunities.
  18. Nap in an academic building. Sometimes our course loads run us ragged and the bed is just too far away. No shame in snagging a cat nap in the Campus Center or Penfield Library to rejuvenate some brain power.
  19. Have a picnic in the quad. Once the weather’s nice, there’s no reason not to soak up the sun during lunchtime. Pack a picnic with friends and get some vitamin D while taking a break from the computer screen.
  20. Play in a snowball fight. Technically it’s against campus safety rules, but what U.P. doesn’t know won’t hurt ‘em! The snow is here for at least five of the nine months we’re in school, so have some flirty fun and toss some snow at the next campus cutie you see.

  21. Tackle a local food challenge. 
    Whether it’s the Belly Buster Special at Mom & Pop’s Soda Shop or the Kitchen Sink at Oswego Tea Company, it’s worth stuffing your face for a free meal or T-shirt. Hey, you only live once!
  22. Shop in thrift stores. The Thrift Shop, formerly known as Best Kept Secret, has some of the most interesting ensembles to help you put together the winning outfit for a themed party, or the perfect accessory to turn an everyday outfit into a look that’s totally you.
  23. Dress up. Speaking of themed parties, make sure you go at least one. Don’t be the Debbie Downer who refuses to get into character, either. Come up with your best ensemble and rock it with confidence at your next bash.
  24. Go to the MayDay Carnival. SAPB usually brings in some pretty cool stuff, like X-treme Air, rock climbing and bumper cars. They feed you and keep you entertained to celebrate the beginning of May. Best part? It’s free. Why not take advantage?
  25. Go on a campus shots tour. Visit your freshman dorm, the lake, or anyplace else you want and take a shot with your friends in honor of the memories spent there. Don’t want to drink? Bring a camera and take a photo at each landmark to commemorate the experience, then compare the pictures to ones from freshman year.

 See you at graduation with a completed bucket list!

Samantha Shelton is a senior at SUNY Oswego with a dual major in journalism and creative writing. Hailing from a super small town that doesn't even have a stop light, Samantha enjoys soccer, spinning and trying any flavor of frozen yogurt imaginable! She has been the Managing Editor of her student newspaper, The Oswegonian, and completed the American Society of Magazine Editors (ASME) summer internship program in 2010 at FITNESS magazine. Samantha recently launched Ed2010 at Oswego State, a national networking organization that helps students break into the magazine industry. These days, (when she’s not running from class to class) you can find Samantha at the campus fitness centers, where she works as the PR student manager and a personal trainer; working with Colleges Against Cancer to help find a cure; or in a comfy cafe chair reading her latest pile of magazines.