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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

So I’ve been friends with benefits with this guy for about two years, sporadically, and we’ve done everything but have sex. I’m still a virgin and there’s no specific reason why except the fact that I just haven’t found someone yet who I feel is significant enough to give it up to. The problem is that I’m kind of at a crossroads with my friend. Now that I am away at college and he still lives in Syracuse (where I’m from), we’re an hour apart so we haven’t seen each other a lot. Not only is the distance an obstacle, but I’m very preoccupied currently here with school, work, clubs and my social life to be stressed over someone I don’t even have feelings for.

The other problem is that I’m territorial over things that aren’t even mine. I’m territorial over people that I don’t even want to date. He’s not my boyfriend and I don’t want him to be, but if I heard that heard he was sleeping with another girl, it would make my stomach drop. I think it’s just that we’ve been doing this for so long that a part of him feels like mine. He has every right considering we are just friends, but at the same time, we are a bit more.

I’ve definitely considered having sex with him because ultimately I am comfortable with him, we are good friends, and I know he isn’t a man whore. I almost feel guilty in a way for not wanting him to reach out to other girls because after all, he has been patient and respectful these whole two years and I’m not even there now.  

I tend to lead guys on even when I know we don’t connect on an emotional level and I think it’s because I just like the attention. I like feeling like there’s someone out there who wants me and I can’t seem to let them go even if I know I don’t feel the same way. I hold on, waiting to feel something that’s never going to come. Maybe that’s why I still want to keep this friends with benefits thing going because I just like having someone always there without a full on relationship. I don’t really know where I’m going with this, but I just needed to get my thoughts out there. I’ve decided I’m just going with the flow from now on and whatever happens, happens.


Sam is a Business Administration major with an Entrepreneurship minor in her junior year at SUNY Oswego. She loves animals (especially cats), makeup, retail therapy, sunsets, iced coffee, and rewatching The Office.
Melissa Lee

Oswego '19

CC Melissa is a senior journalism major with a double minor in creative writing and political science at SUNY Oswego. She loves music, makeup, dogs, and napping. 95% of the time she can be found drinking way too much coffee or finding new music on Spotify.