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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

“I am so not ready to leave Oswego. I am definitely looking to stay a fifth year and maybe even attend Grad school here.” Chelsea is a senior here at Oswego and is not looking to leave just yet. She is on her third year as a Resident Assistant and absolutely loves it. “I think that being an RA is a wonderful opportunity. You get to meet lots of different people and to work in a lot of different situations. Making connections, work with several different supervisors, and building experiences for the future.”

In her spare time, Chelsea (from Union Springs, N.Y.) likes to watch movies and T.V. shows on Netflix. Her current obsession is Pintrest. “There are just so many cool things to look at and a person could spend hours on that website.” She also has found many cool decorating ideas for a future first home.


Chelsea is currently a block three practicum student, which is the final stage before student teaching. After college she would love to be a middle school math teacher, preferably somewhere warm. Math has always come easy to Chelsea and one of the reasons why she has chosen to become a math teacher was to share that love of math with others.


“I just overall love Oswego. The community is awesome and it was easy to make friends and it just feels like home.”

I am a Junior at SUNY Oswego and am majoring in Communication and Social Interaction. My dream job is to work with students to help them figure out what they want to pursue a career in (Guidance Counselor, Addmissions Advisor). I am very shy, but once I get to know a person I am very caring and fun. Something that is very important in my life is my family. Family always comes first in my book. I am the second oldest of four daughters (yeah, my dad is the only male, poor guy). I hope to make friends here at Oswego (come one, come all) and to do really well in school. Deans list hopefully :)
I'm a junior. I like to read, watch T.V. and sleep. Aaaand that's it.