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Brittany Sperino Horsford

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

Junior Brittany Sperino Horsford is one busy girl. She’s a member PRSSA (Public Relations Society of America) and the web editor and head nonfiction writer for the Oswego literary magazine, the Great Lake Review (GLR).

Both clubs appealed to Brittany because they’re related to her two majors, creative writing and public relations. For the GLR, she does a lot of social media management and makes fliers. For PRSSA, Brittany participates in fundraisers. There is a dodgeball game on Sunday and the proceeds will go to the Red Cross.

Brittany’s favorite part of being in the GLR is putting the book together. “It’s awesome to watch all of the student work come together in a publication made by all of us club officers.” Her favorite part of PRSSA is the fundraising because “it always feels good to give back.”

In her spare time, Brittany loves to watch Netflix, something she’s addicted to. When she’s not catching up on television and movies, she likes to hang out with her friends and boyfriend or watch makeup tutorials or read style bogs. School is also important to Brittany. She recently won the Dean’s Writing Award in English. Her good grades will surely get her into a number of graduate schools, which is where Brittany wants to head after finishing her undergrad. She is still undecided on if she wants to pursue a master’s in public relations or creative writing/literary studies.

Brittany is also thinking about studying abroad in London. Reading Harry Potter in fourth grade made her want to take the trip. The CAPA London program at SUNY Oswego offers public relations internships, so it was too good of an opportunity to give up.

After living in Oswego her whole life, Brittany is excited to experience a big city. It’s easy and cheap to travel to other parts of Europe while in London, so she would also like to do some traveling.  Brittany hopes to one day have a job that allows her to travel and see other places.

“Also, maybe if I’m lucky, I’ll see Harry Styles around.”

I'm a junior. I like to read, watch T.V. and sleep. Aaaand that's it.