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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

Like the Titanic, which is where you are, she is sinking ever deeper and is unable to see anything.

She felt none of those worries while around you.

She honestly believed for a split second that this would work.

She let you consume her, which shows how good your mind control is.

Oblivious to the warning signs,

Distorted by disdain

It was misled by the lies you repeatedly told her.

Accepting behaviors that her mother taught her to consider offensive, 

It would be too simple to exact revenge if designers didn’t want to see you suffer.

She is above the stars, and how she was treated is below.

Cannot change from that. As someone who is humbled and accepting will do, turn your cheek.

Don’t give them access to you going forward. Stop showing up for absentee guests.

With you. Love is manifested in deeds.

She knew that connection was broken the instant you shared your darkest experiences.

How is it possible to be that devious?

You are good, man. Bumbling and dishonest,

The colors red and black stand for the things you bring into her life.

You repeatedly crossed the line in a block between two borders,

She knows how to forgive, but she can’t get over the horrifying oppression.

Love is genuine.

Love is compassion. 

Love is being on time.

Love is dedication.

Love is an association.

Love is affection. 

365 days, 7 days in a week. 24 hours in a day. 6 minutes is all she’s worth.  

Flowers on just one occasion do not constitute affection.

The fickle month is fickle in time. February. where you act as though they love you.

It will eventually arrive genuinely, without excessive expansions or reduction of quality.

Today she chooses herself and will always choose herself.

Hello, I'm Kaeillyn. I'm from the Bronx, my family and friends call me Kae, I'm presently majoring in Public Relations with a double minor in Entrepreneurship and Gender Women Studies. I use writing as a platform to share my thoughts and experience. I joined Her Campus as a new opportunity to investigate my potential as a nonfiction book author/writer. My interests include learning new things, R&B and Soul music, civic participation, and community outreach.