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Top 5 must-do’s before winter break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

Dying to end this semester with a bang? Follow these 5 ideas and you’ll be guaranteed to have an unforgettable closing to the first half of your year.


1.) One final wild Hurrah

As the semester comes to a close, you unfortunately come to the realization that you are getting older and need to start thinking about jobs and internships. While this is an exciting chapter in your life, it does however mean that you will have less time for those typical college ‘activities’. Take this opportunity to live in the now and have that final crazy night your mind and body have been craving. Grab your friends, put on your most scandalous outfit and pop some champagne as you head out to the bars for one closing, memorable night!


2.) Screw being subtle, it’s time to take charge

We all have that guy who we claim to be our secret crush. My question is why make it secret? It’s now or never… this is your chance to build up the confidence to talk to that one guy and make your move. What’s there to lose? You might end up with a new fling and worst-case scenario you will never have to see that a** again (or at least until after break). Be bold, the new and improved you is dying to be seen.


3.) Girl’s night

Before you part ways for an entire month, take some time with your besties and designate a whole night together. Crack open a bottle of wine (or sparkling grape juice’s finest) and vent, gossip, and catch up on life. While you’re sure to miss one another over the holidays, one last large dose of each other’s company will hopefully hold you over until you’re back in action come January.


4.) Plan ahead

This year instead of being lazy and last minute, get up and be proactive about your future. Start researching internships and summer jobs now so you don’t feel overwhelmed by the time May rolls around. Having something set up for your summer will leave you stress free and allow you more time to ‘play’ during the school year.


5.Study, study, study

While college is extremely fun and at times reckless, we ARE here to study and get a solid education. Finals are coming right around the corner so it’s important to set aside time to prepare and focus on your work in order to get the best grades possible. Instead of just sailing on by, challenge yourself to ace your exams and obtain that magical 4.0. Achieving something great will only make you strive for more!