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TJ Ellis ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

Name: TJ Ellis
Year: Sophomore
Major: Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies
Hometown: Naperville, IL
Relationship Status: Single

HC: Describe yourself in three words.
TE: Ambitious, confident and kind-hearted.
HC: What do you look for in a girl?
TE: An outgoing and fun personality, as well as a good sense of humor. 
HC: What’s your favorite thing about Ohio State?
TE: My favorite thing about Ohio State is the scenery on campus. Whether it’s Thompson Library or Mirror Lake, Ohio State has a beautiful campus.  
HC: Describe your perfect date.
TE:  My perfect date would start off with a picnic in a park with our favorite foods followed by a fun time playing mini-golf. If there is time afterwards, we could possibly see a movie in theaters or simply go home and watch our favorite TV show. 
HC: Whats your favorite feature on a girl?
TE: The first thing I notice in a girl is her smile. A girl with a great smile can win me over very easily. 
HC: What is your biggest turn off?
TE: Insecurity. I look for a girl who is confident with herself. There’s nothing more attractive than a girl with confidence. 
HC: Who is your celebrity crush?
TE: My celebrity crush has always been Jennifer Aniston (mainly because I love Friends), but Blake Lively is a strong competitor. 
HC: What’s one thing on your bucket list?
TE: To travel to the moon! But a more realistic item on my bucket list is to live in New York City for at least a year. 
HC: How do you spend your free time?
TE: Mainly with friends and family, or just wrapped in a blanket on the couch watching Netflix!
HC: What is something most people don’t know about you?
TE: Most people don’t know that I like to sing. Only my family knows this because I sing at home and in the car all the time, but never in front of my friends.