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Surviving the Holidays 101

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

As the end of the semester is nearing students are more than ready for winter break. Finals are here and the days of being allowed to binge watch Netflix must stop so we can learn the whole semester in one week.  But don’t worry guys, finals won’t be the end of us because we have something to live for aka a glorious four week break from homework! However as awesome as winter break sounds we have to mentally start preparing ourselves for the transition of going back home for the holidays. So here is a little 101 for how to survive the holidays.

1.)    How to calm down your over-excited parents:

Hands down the best perk of heading home for the holidays is your parents treat you like royalty. They have hardly seen you these past four months and they are ready to wait on you hand and foot. Maybe throughout these weeks home you could commit to spending some extra time with them and playing that good girl daughter part that is clearly nowhere to be found in your Facebook photo albums.

2.)    How to tolerate nosy relatives:

How are your grades? Um are you sure you want to major in that? Do you have a boyfriend yet? You can’t really reply with I’m getting an A in napping. Or tell them that thinking about what I want to do with my life causes me a million times more stress than trying to secretively put pop in my water cup at Chipotle. And even better yet saying “No I don’t have a BF yet, but apparently a Chad, a Nick and a Tyler all have my number and really want ‘to Hang.’” So the best answer to give is “Oh Yeah Everything’s Great!”

3.)    How to survive running into ex-lovers:

Whether you’re from a small town or not it’s almost inevitable that you will run into the dreaded ex you were so happy to get away from at college. Hopefully you’ve been doing your squats because this is your moment to shine. Don’t fall for that how have you been small talk, you’re on a one way mission to make yourself seem better in all aspects of life. No one cares if it’s been 2 years, you have to continue to win at this break up. I mean you go to OSU so it can’t be too hard.

4.)    Meet up with your old friends:

College makes you grow apart from some of your high school friends, but break allows for you to spend time with them to reconnect. Break also makes you spend precious energy trying to avoid the ones you’re over joyed about no longer being friends with. With your close friends it’s all about reminiscing, “Do you remember when we all had comb over bangs and wore our tank tops over our long sleeved shirts? Did you see that my freshman year stalker is engaged!?” But you will probably run into some you have outgrown and you will be forced to make polite small talk all while dying to find an excuse to leave the convo.

5.)    You will miss your college friends:

Pretty soon you’ll realize how much you’ve missed your friends back at school. Don’t get me wrong your high school besties will always be your girls, but they won’t share the same appreciation for Catfish Biff’s Pizza after a night of going out and they won’t get excited over spotting a guy with a Man Bun in the mall like your roomies would. 


6.)    Come back refreshed:

After a long restful break you will come back ready to make up for some lost time. Get out there tiger!  


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Hello my name is Adriane Swetland, I'm a Sophomore at The Ohio State University studying Journalism and English Education. I'm from Sparta, Ohio, but I've never felt more at home than I do at OSU aka the greatest University in the world!