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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

Winter weather is upon us and with that comes snow and that evil hidden ice. If you are like me, this ice has a way of sneaking up and taking your feet out from under you every once in a while. Although we all have riding boots as far as the eye can see, those don’t offer enough traction, at least for me. No one wants to wear boots that make your feet look like marshmallows, so after much trial and error, I have complied the quintessential guide to the most stylish winter boots. Read on to see some of the most stylish winter boots to keep you upright in even the most arctic days.


Timberland boots, once only considered a work boot, have been making a comeback in the fashion scene. These boots are made of leather, so not only are they durable, they are also very warm. These boots are a little on the heavy side, but, they have really great traction and come in many different colors and styles. One of my favorite things about these boots is they are so versatile and go from day to night in a flash. Now even the coldest night out can be a bit warmer!



One of the most popular winter boots for women is Sorel. This company combines felt, wool, premium leather into their boots for maximum comfort and style. The best thing about these boots is that they come in a variety of heights, from ankle to knee, Sorel has thought of it all. They even make heeled boots that have the same great traction on the bottom as all the flat boots. If you are looking for a less rugged looking boot then the Timberland, Sorel is the way to go.




Famously known for their boating shoes, Sperry Top-Sider makes a mean winter boot. One thing that these boots are really great for is waterproofing when that snow melts. Because Sperry shoes are typically made for being around water, they know a think or two about this subject. The combination of leather and rubber is engineered to keep your feet completely dry and toasty while trudging through the snowstorms.

Now get out there with your new boots and conquer the pesky winter snow!


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Julie is a Senior at The Ohio State University pursuing degrees in Fashion and Retail and Business. A lover of all things fashion from a young age, she loves having the chance to write the style blog for the site as well as being the chapter's President. When she is not writing, she loves singing in Ohio State's Women's Glee Club, updating her style blog, and online shopping when she should be doing homework. After graduation, Julie hopes to become a celebrity stylist or work in the fashion department of a magazine. Visit thelookinthemirror.blogspot.com for more from Julie.