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Kacie Parke: Still in Charge from Across the Ocean!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

Name: Kacie Parke
Year: Senior
Hometown: Rocky River, OH
Major: English


HC: How and why did you first become involved in Women’s Glee?
KP: I have loved to sing my whole life and when I came to Ohio State I knew that I wanted to be involved in something choral. I didn’t know what would fit in my schedule, so I looked around and decided to audition for Winter quarter of 2012.

HC: The jump from member to President is pretty big! When did you decide you wanted to be President?
KP: Last year, I was Webmaster and already had a taste of being on the officer team. I decided that this year I wanted to have a more prominent role in the organization. I love glee so much; it is such a great group of girls and is also a great way to be involved in an organization while earning class credit. I wanted to be able to contribute to the organization as much as possible, so I decided to run for president.

HC: Why would you encourage others to join Women’s Glee?
KP: It is a wonderful group to get involved in to meet like-minded people and improve your musicality. It’s a great way for people who love to sing to express themselves and find a community that they can feel part of at OSU.

HC: Have you been involved in other programs at OSU?
KP: I am in Ladies First, the a cappella group within Women’s Glee, which meets two times a week. I also participated in OSU’s Literature of London study abroad program this summer for six weeks where I studied at the University of Greenwich with seventeen other OSU students!

HC: Wow! How was that?
KP: It was an amazing experience. Sometimes it was difficult because I needed to be taking care of stuff for glee, but I could easily say it was the best six weeks of my life. I was able to immerse myself in a brand new culture with people I did not know before the trip. It was fun traveling with new people who were fellow Buckeyes and getting to know each other throughout the trip. It is still surreal that I was able to study English literature where the English language was born. I was also there when the Royal Baby was born!

HC: What are you most excited for this school year?
KP: Another (*knock on wood*) undefeated Buckeye season! Go Bucks!

Aurora Stromberg is a Senior at The Ohio State University pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in Strategic Communication and minoring in professional writing. She has been a member of her chapter of Her Campus for two years and is so excited to be this year's HCOSU campus correspondent.  She loves all thinks Tiffany Blue and loves act and sing, but wishes she didn’t have two left feet so that she could dance, too! Aurora is also a member OSU chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America at Ohio State and dreams of running her own PR and event planning business someday.