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HighBall Halloween 2016

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

For Halloween 2016, I attended Halloween HighBall in Columbus for the first time! As a senior, one of my goals for the school year was to explore the off-campus area a little more, and venture downtown into Columbus. HighBall was the perfect excuse for me to grab a few friends and journey to the Short North.

What is HighBall?

HighBall is essentially a giant festival/street costume party. It is a weekend-long event each year held in the Short North area of Columbus, between Goodale and Nationwide Avenues. There’s food trucks, live entertainment, and the main event is a Halloween themed fashion show. I only attended the Friday night, but I still had a lot of fun! It is also a fundraiser for the Short North Alliance, which works to maintain the culture and experience of the Short North area. You can learn more about the event by visiting Instagram or Facebook!

What do people wear?

The costume I wore was pretty generic, but some attendees went all out. If you are considering attending, I would definitely recommend wearing a costume! The more you dress up, the more fun the event is, in my opinion.

Where can I get tickets?

Next year, tickets can be purchased from the Halloween HighBall website leading up to the event. The earlier you buy the tickets, the less expensive they are. Also, be on the lookout for free tickets from different OSU student orgs. For example, this year, OSU’s USG was giving away 2 free tickets per BuckID!

I had a lot of fun and it was a really cool event to see! If you get the chance next year, grab a group of friends and head downtown to HighBall!