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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

Easter baskets were always something I looked forward to on Easter morning. My parents always told my sister and me that the Easter Bunny stopped by the night before to leave us a gift.

Growing up, I always thought it would be a cute idea to do something similar for my friends, so I compiled a list of things you could add to your friend’s basket to brighten their Easter season:

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  1. Candy and Easter go hand in hand, so make sure to add your friend’s favorite candy to subdue their sweet tooth. Sour Patch Kids, Hershey’s Kisses, gummy worms and Cadbury Eggs are always a favorite. 
  1. Five dollar Starbucks gift cards. You don’t have to go crazy but paying for their next drink, especially with finals coming up, is always a good idea!
  1. Hair ties, scrunchies or claw clips
  1. Mini chapsticks, face masks or body sprays
  1. Candles! Who doesn’t love a candle? Target’s one dollar section tends to have some mini candles on hand. 

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These are just a few ideas to help your friends enjoy their holiday! Show your friends some love with these gifts, small or large.

Hi! I’m Kennedy, and I’m a student who wants to write about what interests her!