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Don’t let Halloween Sabotage your Diet!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.
‘Tis the season for pumpkin patches, apple picking, big sweaters, boots, and…. Candy. Sweet, sweet, but oh so sinful, candy! Halloween is coming up quick, so in order to be prepared for the ambush that can come along with this festive time of year, I’ve prepped a little cheat sheet to help you collegiettes make the best choices. 
Halloween treats at 100 calories (or less!):
− Fun-size packet of M&M’s
o Milk chocolate: 60 cals
o Peanut: 70 cals
− Mini Reese’s Cup = 36 cals
− Fun-size Snickers bar = 71 cals
− Skittles = 60 cals
− Peeps: 6 = 100 cals; 1 = 16 cals
− Dum Dum = 20 cals
This or that?
− Reeses or Snickers?
o Snickers win out in this battle due to less fat content and a slightly lower calorie count
− Peanut M&Ms or Skittles?
o Although Skittles clock in at only 61 calories in a fun-size bag versus the 90 in the M&Ms, the lower glycemic index in M&Ms will release their sugar at a slower rate therefore satisfying you longer (….therefore, less craving for more candy later!!)
− Twix or Kit Kat?
o Kit Kat takes the crown most noticeably for the lower sodium count – Twix packs three times the sodium per three fun size pieces than the same serving of Kit Kat.
− Caramel apple or candy apple?
o Candy apple comes in first running about 70 calories lower than a caramel apple on average. Caramel, usually made with butter and sugar, will also boost the calorie and fat content. 
Some additional tips and tricks:
− Instead of choosing chocolate bars with fillings such as caramel, toffee, or coconut, stick to the plain ones to reduce added fat and calories.
− Ditch the white chocolate as it has the highest saturated fat count of any type of chocolate. Switch to dark chocolate for a lower sugar count and an extra anti-oxidant boost.
− Instead of choosing candies with peanut butter filling, opt for those that have whole nuts which add protein and fiber.
Stick to these tips this Halloween, ladies, and then FLAUNT it in whatever costume you decide to rock this year!