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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

As Buckeyes, we aren’t used to losing.  So Saturday night was rough, to say the least.  Nothing kills the party like a sad rendition of ‘Carmen Ohio’.  

I’m not going to go into detail about the game and analyze every player’s move.  I like to watch football – don’t get me wrong, but let’s just say I can’t hold a legitimate conversation about the players and Urban’s coaching strategies.  But, I do know one thing.  We were not prepared.  Neither the team nor the fans.

Waking up Saturday morning, my roommates and I immediately turned on our game day sound track and dressed ourselves in head-to-toe Scarlet and Gray.  I was ready for a long day of tailgating before the first home game, followed by some celebratory partying after the big win.  I didn’t even consider the fact that we might lose.  Then the 4th quarter of the game came around and everyone was getting pretty worried.  And then Virginia Tech intercepted us.  GAME OVER. HERE COME THE TEARS.

The stadium is much quieter than usual as the crowd streams out.  Walking down Lane, people aren’t singing and cheering. The world feels a little bit colder. Darker. And then the real questions start flooding out of our mouths. What do we do?  Do we still go out? 

Whether you went out after the game or not, it was not the same as after a win. Drinking your sorrows away just isn’t as fun. You hoped to forget, but the feeling of loss was still there when you awoke the next morning.

But let’s all remember that this is not the end of the world (despite what our boyfriends say). We have to move on. There is another game coming up this weekend and we will win and everything will be better again. Who says Buckeyes are cocky? On Saturday, set your alarm for seven a.m., be at the tailgate by eight and be ready to cheer on your favorite team!