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Chosen One Thy Name Is Blue: A Diehard Fan’s Defense of Her Obesession with Jay Z and Beyonce

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

There are moments in one’s life that are so imperative to their worldly experience that they become imprinted in their memory, forever cherished and untouched.  For some, those may include their high school prom, the opening of Harry Potter World, or perhaps the groundbreaking 2008 presidential election, but personally, the prize must be awarded to the recent birth of Beyonce and Jay Z’s baby, Blue Ivy (aka The Chosen One).  My undeniable obsession with this Hip Hop royalty couple may seem odd or straight-up creepy, but there are reasonable explanations to my madness; some that many passionate … fans … can agree with.

Hollywood is filled with fly-by romances: short moments of pure bliss represented by consistent public displays of intense sexual tensions; then, with one snap of reality they realize a shared love of Italian food mixed with the adoration of classic Modonna (as an example) do not make for an eternal connection.  Marriages lasting 72 days, broken engagements and of course the debilitating divorce of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston—a travesty on all magnitudes—poison the covers of our most beloved pop culture bibles, tabloid magazines.  However, amidst all this Hollywood marital havoc exists a specific couple that continuously defy all odds—lovingly referred to as “the couple that need naught be named because if you do not know who they are then you have problems and live under a rock;” for time’s sake though, we shall call them Jay Z and Beyonce. 

For over ten years now this golden couple has been avoiding public attention for the sake of love.  They hide most personal details (their marriage was not acknowledged until weeks after the event), instead choosing to relish in their affection for one another rather than the need for a spot in E News’s lineup.  My following of their private life may seem unnatural to some, but for a pop culture connoisseur, it is more rewarding to invest in a promising situation than in a train wreck.  I choose to support a healthy relationship that reflects values all humans strive to display: loyalty, dedication, perseverance and of course combined talents that produce over $80 million in profits.  Therefore, is it wrong to enjoy observing a sustainable couple?  I am monitoring a consistent couple, who acknowledge different traits that create a working bond, and remaining opposed to a crumbling situation that results in bitter settlements and sometimes increased weight gain.

In regards to the excitement over the birth of their child, it is a mere sentimental moment one obsessive fan shares with this celebrity couple that I have been admiring for years now.  I have followed their progression through meetings, dates, rumors of break ups, marriage, apparently a miscarriage and now a baby.  To witness such longevity of love over the years makes marriage appealing; especially with the recent permanent separation of my own parents, it is a breath of fresh air while being surrounded by airs of doubt.  Blue Ivy may not be a conventional baby, thanks to her name and obviously good genes, but what she represents is something we can all relate to: that through a life of chaos there can be hope; through a life of pressure and pain (in his early years, Jay Z was a high school dropout and drug dealer whose father left him at a young age); that even though people doubt and judge, there is always a chance to persevere and prove everyone wrong.

People have all sorts of hobbies: some bird watch, others enjoy eating oddly-flavored potato chips; if it is not clear already, mine is pop culture—with a focus on the Hip Hop King and Queen.  Will I deny that this is a different kind of hobby?  No, of course not … but it is important to note that sometimes situations may seem odd when in reality they have perfectly normal explanations—or at least moderately sane ones.  In other words, I got 99 problems, but my obsession ain’t one!  Never forget: who runs the world?  BLUE! 

Kali Grant is the founding Editor-in-Chief and Campus Correspondent for the OSU chapter of Her Campus. Kali is pursuing a B.A. in Public Affairs at the John Glenn School with a minor in Communication and is excited to be in her senior year. Kali is a student research assistant at the Glenn School and is a proud member of the Zeta Alpha chapter of Chi Omega. Kali has spent her collegiate summers interning with The Institute on Women and The Salvation Army and studying Spanish in Buenos Aires, Argentina. When she’s not daydreaming about returning to New Orleans and San Francisco, Kali loves drinking coffee, talking about cats and politics, and trying out questionable vegetarian recipes.