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3 Ways to Motivate Yourself to the End of the Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

That’s right, we have four, …FOUR, weeks left of the semester.  If you are like me, you’re about one chem lab away from emailing your advisor and telling her that you would like to drop out. These last weeks, though few, are going to be rough, especially when Christmas lights and sleep are SO very near. So, Her Campus is here to have your back; we have complied some great ways to stay motivated and focused while plowing through finals.

1. Sleep. You can only study your Micro Bio notecards for so long…eventually, you just need to give up and crawl into bed. Study efficiently, and spend your time wisely, but when you’re four shots of espresso deep and it’s past 2:00 in the morning, you aren’t helping anyone by continuing to torture yourself studying.

2. Plan. These next few weeks are going to be crazy, so a sure-fire way to alleviate some stress is by carefully planning out your days—when you’re going to study, when you have a free day to get lunch with a friend, and when you’re going to relax. This will ease some of your anxiety about not having time to fit all of the work you have to do into these final weeks; once you see it planned out on paper, the work load will suddenly seem more manageable.

3. Reward Yourself. If you’re like some of the HC team members, you have to forcefully make yourself read a textbook or review your study guides…the best way that we have found to do this is by allowing a little indulgence once a task is finished. Maybe this is watching one show on Netflix or reading your Twitter feed or, a personal favorite, a glass of wine. Whatever it is, keep yourself motivated to study by looking forward to your next reward.