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10 DIY Projects to Spruce Up Your College Living

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

Let’s face it, not all of our college houses, apartments, and dorms are up to standards, but what is a poor collegiette to do?! No worries! Here are some fabulous DIY projects (that don’t break the bank) that you can try in order to spruce up your living space. Nothing makes you feel at home more than your own personal touch. Happy Crafting!

You can find links to all the tutorials above the pictures.

1. Side Tables Turned Ottoma

This project is simple and can make a huge difference in your living or dorm room. I personally can’t wait to try it and see how it works out! 


2. Elegant Frosted Mirrors

If you’re the kind of girl that loves candles, vases of flowers, or having decorative mirrors, this is the project for you! Simple, elegant, and easy, this mirror would look perfect hanging up or resting on a maybe newly created ottoman?! You can use it to put candles and flowers on or make a couple and create a decorative design.


3. Glitter Cutouts of Your Home State

Being an out of state student is always hard and it’s inevitable you’re going to feel homesick. Instead of being sad and missing home, keep busy by making this adorably framed artwork of your home state!


4. Wine Cork Letter

Finally! All those wine corks can be put to good use! I adore this DIY and think it is a great way to reuse all of those corks you’d otherwise throw away- plus it give you an excuse to drink more wine!  You can use the letter of your first name or last and, personally, I think that using corks with wine stains would add a beautiful pop of color.


5. Paint Chip Calender

This calender is a must have! Why buy a new calender every year when you can personalize your own?! Not to mention it is essentially free since all you need are paint chips from your local hardware store and a frame.


6. Sharpie Mug

The Sharpie Mug is another DIY that is at the TOP of my never ending project list. I love this one because of how simple it is to let your creative juices flow. Go crazy with colors and design or a simple black and white quote, the possibilities are endless! With all of our long nights studying or watching our favorite guilty pleasure drama, this mug is an essential project.


7. No Sew Curtains

It is truly amazing the difference that curtains can make in a room. Whether you have blinds or not, curtains can add that personal, homey touch. BUT, who the heck has time, or even knows how, to sew?! For all of you sewers out there, I am majorly impressed! Anyway, if you are looking to warm up your space then these curtains are a must try for you. Fabric can be super cheap and craft stores always have coupons online to help out with any expenses.


8. State String Art

The minute I saw this DIY craft, I knew I had to try it. To my surprise it turned out awesome! This tutorial is the best and most well-explained out there.It’s great because you can make any state or shape that you’re beautiful minds can think of. If you are looking to add some more personal touches, this project is one that will impress all of your friends, trust me!


9. Paper Pom Poms

These Paper Pom Poms are especially easy and cheap and look great for parties, or just hanging around. Adding crazy bright colors is an easy way to liven up the mood and bring some cute girly touches to an otherwise drab living space.



10. Key Holder

College students are especially prone to losing their keys and that can be a person’s worst nightmare, espcially if you’re like me and your life is on that keychain. Well, now there is no excuse to lose you keys with this DIY Key Holder! It’s simple, cute, and can be made in all sizes and personalized to your taste.



Hopefully these 10 DIY projects can help you personalize and spice up your living space, no matter how big or small! Have fun and be creative!