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World War 3 Memes: Lightening The Mood Or Taking It Too Far

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

Ever since the rise of social media, memes have become a popular form of entertainment. Whether it’s to joke about your favorite celebrity, or turn a negative situation, like the past presidential election, into comedy, memes always seem to be there to lighten the mood. After the recent conflict between President Trump and Iran, and the possibility of World War 3, memes have started poking fun at starting off the new year on a bad note and trying to avoid the draft. This brings up the question, “Are these memes simply lightening the mood on such a intense subject, or are they distracting people from focusing on those who are actually suffering?” 


Lightening the Mood

While the possibility of another World War happening is terrifying, instead of focusing on it, memes help lighten the situation and find the humor within it: 





Taking it too Far

While memes can be funny and make a pretty dark situation a lot lighter, some things aren’t to be taken so lightly. In this case especially, people are forgetting that those living in Iran are actually directly being affected. Instead of making memes about how we don’t want to be drafted and how the news has already ruined our new year, we should be focusing on what’s more important. 


I'm a Journalism Major at the University of Oregon who loves to write, take photos, and do anything that allows me to be creative!
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