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Why Fall is Arguably the Best Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

The end of summer doesn’t have to evoke feelings of sadness with fall just around the corner! The season of chilly weather, leaves changing, pumpkin themed everything, and many more amazing aspects is here and it is quite possibly the best time of year. If you’re not fully convinced, here are a few reasons why fall is definitely the best season.

1. The amazing weather

Although fall weather varies from place to place, there is a universal feeling of happiness thrusted upon us when the temperature starts to drop and the days get darker earlier. This is the season of rainy days, jumping in leaf piles, and comfy sweaters. Fall weather is the perfect balance between the heat of summer and the cold of winter, and i’m so here for it.

2. It’s football season

Whether you enjoy college level or the NFL, there is no better way to get you hyped for fall than football. It’s hard to describe the feeling you get when you’re in the large stadium full of excited fans, cheering and pleading for your team to win. The band, the fans, the tailgates, and the cute fan gear are just a few things that add to the fun of game days. In the end, football season is our only chance to live out our Friday Night Lights fantasies. 

3. A new school year

Okay, you have to admit that there is something super exciting about starting a new school year. It’s an opportunity to make new friends or see your old ones, join clubs, start new classes, and of course, there are all the welcome back parties you have to attend. 

4. Fall fashion

After a while, shorts and tank tops can get a bit old and it becomes time to search through your closet for your warmer clothes, because let’s face it, fall fashion is the best. Jeans, boots, coats, sweaters, and scarves are all staple pieces for a fantastic fall wardrobe. Fall gives us all a chance to break out our inner Tyra and strut down the street on our way to class. Also, if you’re in a rush or just feel like rolling out of bed and going out, fall is totally the season to wear cozy sweats too!

5. The holidays

Fall is a jam-packed season filled with one holiday after another. First comes Halloween, when you have an excuse to go out and dress up three nights in a row, watch classic Halloween themed movies, and eating copious amounts of candy. Next is Thanksgiving, which gives you a break from school, a chance to go home and see your family, and endless amounts of amazing food that will last you days in leftovers. Lastly, the end of fall is Christmas time! Christmas brings everyone joy and can never fail to warm your heart. Honestly, the spirit of Christmas speaks for itself. I mean, I get so excited just thinking about it!

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