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What to Wear: Home for the Holidays

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

I love winter break. No matter where I am, no matter what I’m doing, it’s just always a great time of year. People stay in bed all morning, go to brunch, wear cute clothes, drink a lot of cocktails before nine p.m., fall in love, etc. The world just decides to take a mini vacation, and I am always pro-vacation. This is the first break in my collegiate career that I will be spending at home. Historically, for all of my winter and summer breaks, I have been working. Needless to say, I am stoked to be going home. My parents will spoil me, my siblings will be super nice to me, I’ll get to eat whatever I want, lay around and be lazy, hang out with some of my best friends, and not to mention look super cute all the time.

The only problems I can foresee are 1) it’ll be really cold!, and 2) my hometown is in Utah. Utah, for those of you who are unfamiliar, is a place where lots of very nice but very conservative people called “Mormons” live. I love the Mormons. In fact, my entire family is Mormon and I am the only one who is not. But Mormons do not love revealing or suggestive clothing. This is the problem. Having lived out in Oregon for two years and out of the house for much longer, I have greatly relaxed my dress code (and code of lifestyle in general, you could say) and love to wear mini-skirts, sky-high heels, and tube tops (not all together, of course.)

Normally this doesn’t cause problems, but the holidays are a time where my love of fashion dominates over any type of respect I have for conservative, modest clothing. Trust me, when I say modest, I mean modest. In fact, a school affiliated with the LDS (a.k.a. Mormon) church that is based in Idaho (okay, not Utah) just implemented this bats**t crazy rule-


Yeah friends, no skinny jeans. I don’t know what us North Westerners would do. The skinny jean was our one hope for rebuilding feminine shapeliness into the sea of denim and flannel. Fortunately, most people I know in Utah are not this, um, pious. I doubt that I will be harassed for wearing my Always Skinnies (only the best jeans) while sauntering around the Wasatch Front.

Ladies, for your viewing pleasure, three outfits that don’t sacrifice mojo for modesty-


Good luck with finals everyone! I’ll be catching up later over the break!

Miss Em

Serena Piper will always be a Southern belle at heart, but for now she is a Senior Magazine Journalism student at the University of Oregon. She is an avid news reader and watcher, loves to bake yummy desserts and watch Sex and the City reruns, has big travel plans for after graduation and would eventually like to work for National Geographic. She wouldn't mind one bit if her life echoed Elizabeth Gilbert's in Eat, Pray, Love. To find out what Serena is up to, check out her blog and follow her on Twitter